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Kata Terbitan : berpusing, berpusing-pusing, memusingkan, pusingan, pemusingan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

circuitousadj 1. berpusing-pusing: they took a ~ route to avoid the traffic, mereka mengambil jalan yg berpusing-pusing utk mengelak drpd lalu lintas; 2. (fig.) berbelit-belit, berpusing-pusing: ~ in speech, bercakap berbelit-belit.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
about-face, about-turnn 1. reversal of direction, berpusing ke belakang, berputar balik; do an ~, a. turn and face the other way, berpusing ke belakang, berputar balik; b. reverse policy, opinion, action, etc, /berputar, mengubah/ haluan: he did an unexpected ~, dia berputar haluan dgn tdk disangka-sangka; 2. reversal (of policy, opinion, attitude, etc) /perputaran, perubahan/ haluan: an ~ on foreign policy, perputaran haluan dlm dasar luar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
giddyadj 1. dizzy, a. (terasa) berpusing, pusing kepala, pening; (when looking down from a great height) gayat, gamang: he felt ~ on the merry-go-round, dia pening semasa menaiki kuda pusing; heights make me feel ~, saya gayat apabila berada di tempat tinggi; b. (fig.) mabuk: winning one Oscar after another made him really ~ with success, memenangi Oskar demi Oskar membuat dia betul-betul mabuk dgn kejayaan; 2. causing dizziness, a. membuat [sso] /terasa berpusing, pusing kepala, pening/; (when one looks down from a great height) membuat [sso] /gayat, gamang/: a ~ climb to the top of the mast, memanjat ke puncak tiang layar membuat saya gayat; b. (fig.) memabukkan: ~ triumphs that did not last, kemenangan yg memabukkan yg tdk kekal; 3. (old-fashioned) flighty, gila-gila: that ~ girl, gadis yg gila-gila itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
heel 1 kick up o’s ~s, (fig.) enjoy os thoroughly, berseronok-seronok: with their exams over it was time to kick up their ~s, setelah peperiksaan tamat, tibalah masanya utk mereka berseronok-seronok; set so. (back) on his ~s, memeranjatkan sso; show a clean pair of ~s, take to o’s ~s, cabut lari; turn /upon, on/ o’s ~, berpusing: I turned on my ~ and left the room, saya berpusing dan meninggalkan bilik itu; under the ~ of, dlm cengkaman, ditindas oleh: the country was under the ~ of a dictator, negeri itu dlm cengkaman seorang diktator;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cyclicadj 1. recurring in cycles, berkitar, berpusing; (of seasons) beredar: ~ changes, perubahan yg berkitar; 2. (bot) berkitar: ~ flowers, bunga berkitar; 3. (math) kitaran: ~ figure, rajah kitaran; 4. (chem) siklik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
about-face, about-turnvi 1. reverse direction, berpusing ke belakang, berputar balik; 2. reverse (policy, stand, etc) /berputar, mengubah/ haluan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
circulatevi 1. flow, move in a circle or circuit, beredar: blood ~s through the body, darah beredar dlm badan; 2. (econ) beredar, berpusing: money ~s quickly in prosperous times, wang beredar dgn cepat pd zaman mewah; 3. be disseminated, tersebar: the rumour ~d quickly, khabar angin itu tersebar dgn cepat; 4. be sold or distributed, diedarkan: this magazine ~s only among businessmen, majalah ini diedarkan hanya di kalangan ahli-ahli perniagaan; 5. mingle, berkeliling dan menegur sapa: our host and hostess ~d amongst the guests, tuan rumah berkeliling dan menegur sapa di kalangan para tamu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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