guilty | adj 1. responsible for an offence, bersalah: ~ of murder, bersalah krn membunuh; they were found ~, mereka didapati bersalah; to plead ~, mengaku bersalah; 2. showing, characterized by guilt, bersalah: ~ feeling, perasaan bersalah; ~ conscience, rasa bersalah; 3. feel unhappy for not having done what one should have done, bersalah: I feel ~ for not having written to you earlier, saya rasa bersalah krn tdk menulis kpd kamu lebih awal; 4. that makes one feel guilty, membuat sso berasa bersalah: a ~ secret, rahsia yg membuat sso rasa bersalah; 5. responsible for action that is unacceptable or morally wrong, bersalah: parents who are ~ of neglecting their children, ibu bapa yg bersalah krn mengabaikan anak-anak mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guilt | n 1. culpability, kebersalahan, bersalah: the fingerprints proved his ~, cap jari itu membuktikan kebersalahannya or cap jari itu membuktikan bahawa dia bersalah; /admit, confess/ o’s ~, mengaku (ber)salah; 2. blame, responsibility for st wrong, kesalahan: when a young boy turns to drugs, the ~ does not lie entirely with his parents, apabila seseorang budak mengambil dadah kesalahan itu tdk terletak pd ibu bapa semata-mata; 3. feeling of having done st wrong, rasa bersalah: he had to live with his ~, dia terpaksa hidup dgn menanggung rasa bersalah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
innocent | adj 1. not guilty, tdk bersalah: the jury found him ~, juri mendapati dia tdk bersalah; be ~ of, tdk melakukan: she was ~ of the crime, dia tdk melakukan jenayah itu; 2. not involved in crime, evil activity, situation, etc, tdk /berdosa, bersalah/: the shot killed an ~ bystander, tembakan itu menyebabkan orang yg tdk berdosa yg berada di tempat kejadian itu mati; 3. a. naive, artless, tdk tahu apa-apa; (of eyes, look, smile, etc) polos: he takes advantage of ~ visitors, dia mengambil kesempatan thdp pelawat-pelawat yg tdk tahu apa-apa; she is ~ in the ways of the world, dia itu tdk tahu apa-apa ttg ragam hidup; she gave him an ~ smile, dia memberikan senyuman polos kepadanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incriminate | vt 1. show, imply, be a sign that (so.) is guilty of crime, wrongdoing, menunjukkan bahawa (sso) bersalah: evidence that will certainly ~ the guard, bukti yg pasti akan menunjukkan pengawal itu bersalah; 2. involve or risk involving (os) in criminal prosecution, menyatakan sst yg menunjukkan (sso) bersalah: he ~d himself by his answers, semasa menjawab, dia menyatakan sst yg menunjukkan dia bersalah; 3. involve in accusation, charge, membabitkan: he was careful not to ~ his friends, dia berhati-hati supaya tdk membabitkan kawan-kawannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blameless | adj 1. innocent, tdk bersalah: a ~ child, kanak-kanak yg tdk bersalah; 2. irreproachable, tdk tercela: a ~ life, hidup yg tdk tercela. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inference | n 1. act, process of forming conclusion, membuat kesimpulan; (leg.) membuat inferens; if... then by ~ ..., jika... kesimpulannya...: if we are at fault, then by ~ so are you, jika kami bersalah, kesimpulannya, kamu juga bersalah; 2. conclusion, st inferred, kesimpulan; (leg.) inferens: it was a reasonable ~ to draw from the statement, itu kesimpulan yg wajar yg dibuat berdasarkan kenyataan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
condemn | vt 1. censure, mengutuk: the public ~ed the cruel act, orang ramai mengutuk perbuatan kejam itu; 2. show the guilt of, menunjukkan sso bersalah: her nervousness ~ed her, kegugupannya menunjukkan dia bersalah; 3. give judgement against, menghukum: the prisoner was ~ed to death, banduan itu dihukum mati; 4. pronounce unfit for use, a. (of ship etc) mengisytiharkan tdk selamat utk digunakan: the ship was ~ed as unseaworthy, kapal itu diisytiharkan tdk sesuai digunakan di laut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inhuman | adj 1. very cruel, tdk berperikemanusiaan, kejam: to be guilty of ~ atrocities, bersalah melakukan kekejaman yg tdk berperikemanusiaan; he seems a cold, ~ sort of person, dia nampaknya dingin dan tdk berperikemanusiaan; 2. not human, bukan spt manusia: they not only looked ~, they even sounded ~, mereka bukan saja kelihatan bukan spt manusia, mereka juga bercakap bukan spt manusia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adjudge | vt 1. decide, declare, memutuskan: the jury ~d him guilty, juri memutuskan dia bersalah; to be ~d the winner of the race, diputuskan sbg pemenang perlumbaan itu; 2. order, pronounce by law, menghukum; 3. award, memberikan: to ~ damages, memberikan ganti rugi; to ~ a prize to so., memberikan hadiah kpd sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
innocence | n 1. purity, /kesucian, kemurnian/ hati: she has lost her ~, dia telah hilang kesucian hatinya; 2. naivety, artlessness, (sifat sso yg) tdk tahu apa-apa; (of look etc) polos: it was her childlike ~ that attracted him to her, sifatnya spt anak yg tdk tahu apa-apalah yg menyebabkan lelaki itu terpikat; don’t fall for that look of ~ on his face, jangan terpedaya dgn wajahnya yg kelihatan polos itu; 3. fact of not being guilty, ketakbersalahan, tdk bersalah: to try to prove o’s ~, mencuba membuktikan bahawa sso tdk bersalah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |