Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

connectvi 1. join, be joined, bersambung: this road ~s with the main road, jalan ini bersambung dgn jalan utama; the water-pipe ~s with the drain, paip air itu bersambung dgn parit; 2. (of bus, train, etc) disambung: the southbound bus ~s with the one going east, perkhidmatan bas yg menuju ke selatan disambung dgn perkhidmatan bas yg menuju ke timur;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
adjoiningadj 1. (of area of land) bersempadanan: ~ lots, lot-lot yg bersempadanan; 2. (of buildings, parts of building) /bersambung, bersebelahan/ dgn: the store ~ the factory, stor yg bersambung dgn kilang itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
communicatevi 1. get or keep in touch, berhubung, berkomunikasi: they have been communicating with each other for years, mereka saling berhubung antara satu sama lain bertahun-tahun lamanya; we ~ by telephone, kami berhubung melalui telefon; 2. express or convey opinions, information, feelings, berhubung, berkomunikasi: the deaf children are taught to ~ using sign language, kanak-kanak pekak itu diajar berhubung dgn menggunakan bahasa isyarat; 3. have mutual understanding, berkomunikasi: teenagers often cannot ~ well with their parents, para remaja sering kali tdk dapat berkomunikasi dgn baik dgn orang tua mereka; 4. (fml) adjoin, bersambung: the sitting room ~s with the dining room, ruang tamu itu bersambung dgn bilik makan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
copperplaten 1. (plate) plat tembaga: ~ engraving, turisan plat tembaga; 2. (handwriting) tulisan bersambung yg cantik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
runningadj 1. made while in the process of running, sambil berlari: a ~ kick, tendangan sambil berlari; 2. flowing, mengalir: ~ water, air yg mengalir; 3. (of nose) runny, berair; have a ~ nose, hidung berair; 4. (of wound etc) discharging pus, bernanah: he had ~ sores all over his body, bengkak pd seluruh badannya bernanah; 5. operating, kendalian: ~ costs are high, kos kendaliannya tinggi; 6. in succession, berturut-turut: he won the title five years ~, dia memenangi gelaran itu lima tahun berturut-turut; 7. (of handwriting) cursive, bersambung: a ~ hand, tulisan tangan bersambung;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
knitvi 1. make fabric by intertwining threads, mengait: learn to ~, belajar mengait; 2. also ~ together, (of bone) bercantum, bersambung: the broken bone ~ted well, tulang yg patah itu telah bercaKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
joinvt 1. a. fasten, bring together, menyambung; (st to st, st on to st) menyambungkan; (by stitching, pinning together) mencantumkan, menyambungkan; (by gluing, cementing) mencantumkan, menautkan; (bones) bersendi, bersambung: the pipes are ~ed by a piece of wire, paip-paip itu disambung dgn wayar; he ~ed the handle to the pot with screws, dia menyambungkan tangkai pd periuk dgn skru; you’ll have to ~ another piece of material on to the skirt, kamu mesti mencantumkan sekeping kain lain pd skirt itu; the humerus is ~ed to the scapula, tulang humerus bersendi dgn tulang belikat; b. connect (two points) by a line, menghubungkan: ~ the two points by drawing a straight line, hubungkan kedua-dua titik itu dgnKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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