boot1 | get the ~, (sl) dah kena tendang; give so. the ~, (sl) tendang sso keluar; give st a ~, /menendang, menerajang/ sst: he gave the door a ~, dia menendang pintu itu; hang up o’s ~s, (colloq) bersara, berhenti bermain, pencen; (from work) pencen; lick so’s ~s, (colloq) /mengampu, membodek/ sso; the ~ is on the other /foot, leg/, (not fml) sekarang sudah terbalik kot; you bet your ~s, (sl) saya berani bertaruh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dies1 | ~ hard, (of custom, belief, etc) sukar ditinggalkan: old habits ~ hard, sst yg menjadi kebiasaan sukar ditinggalkan; ~ in o’s bed, mati kumlah; ~ in /harness, o’s boots/, meninggal semasa masih bekerja: he refused to retire and later ~d in his boots, dia enggan bersara dan kemudiannya meninggal semasa masih bekerja; ~ in the last ditch, berjuang mati-matian; ~ laughing, (exaggeration) /ketawa, gelak/ setengah mati; /could have, nearly / ~d, (colloq) rasa macam nak mati: when he read out my letter in front of the class, I nearly ~d, apabila dia membaca surat saya di hadapan kelas, saya rasa macam nak mati; never say ~, jangan berputus asa; be dying of, sangat: I am dying of hunger, saya sangat lapar; be dying /for, to do/ st, teringin sangat hendak + approp v: he’s dying for a cigarette, dia teringin sangat hendak merokok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foster | vt 1. bring up, memelihara, membela: she ~ed her brother’s children while he was in prison, dia memelihara anak-anak abangnya semasa abangnya masuk penjara; 2. stimulate, promote, menggalakkan, merangsang: slum conditions ~ crime, keadaan di kawasan sesak menggalakkan jenayah; the retired headmaster has always ~ed an interest in the history of the town among the schoolchildren, guru besar yg telah bersara itu selalu merangsang minat murid-murid sekolah utk mengetahui sejarah bandar itu; ~ a friendship, memupuk persahabatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
continue | vi 1. last, endure, berterusan, berlanjutan; (for a short time) berterusan: the applause ~d long after the curtain call, tepukan berterusan lama selepas sembah seni; the war might ~ for years, peperangan itu mungkin berlanjutan hingga beberapa tahun; the performance ~d until late that night, pertunjukan itu berlanjutan sehingga larut malam; the discussion ~d for over an hour, perbincangan itu berterusan lebih drpd sejam; 2. proceed, remain, terus: the weather ~s fine, cuaca terus baik; he ~d as secretary of the organization until he retired, dia terus menjadi setiausaha pertubuhan itu sehinggalah dia bersara; they ~d up the mountain on foot, mereka terus berjalan kaki mendaki gunung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |