facetious | adj berseloroh; (of person) suka /berseloroh, melawak/: ~ remark, kata-kata berseloroh; a ~ young man, orang muda yg suka berseloroh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
facetiousness | n berseloroh; (of person ) sifat suka /berseloroh, melawak/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jest | vi bergurau, berseloroh, berjenaka, berkelakar: to ~ about grave issues, berseloroh ttg isu berat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
quip | vi make witty remarks, berseloroh: they laughed and ~ped together, mereka ketawa dan berseloroh bersama-sama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
joke | the ~ is on so., persendaan itu berbalik pd sso; the ~ is that..., yg /menggelikan hati, lucunya/,...; do st for a ~, bergurau, melawak, berseloroh: I did it for a ~, saya hanya bergurau; have a ~ with so., /bergurau, melawak, berseloroh/ dgn sso: he was having a ~ with his friend when I arrived, dia sedang berseloroh dgn kawannya apabila saya tiba; make a ~ about /so., st/, mempersendakan: he made a ~ about his baldness, dia mempersendakan kepala lelaki yg botak itu; be no ~, (not easy) bukan /mudah, senang/; (a serious matter) bukan perkara kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
joke | vi bergurau, berseloroh, berlawak, melawak: he was only joking, dia hanya bergurau; joking /apart, aside/, sungguh-sungguhlah, betul-betullah: joking apart, what do you think of the idea?, sungguh-sungguhlah, apa fikiranmu ttg gagasan ini?; you must be joking, takkanlah: “How much did he give you? Two hundred ringgit?” “You must be joking!”, “Berapa dia bagi kamu? Dua ratus ringgit?” “Takkanlah!”. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
banter | vi bergurau senda, bersenda gurau, berseloroh, berolok-olok: the speaker ~ed with the audience, penceramah itu bergurau senda dgn para hadirin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leg | pull so’s ~, (colloq) bergurau, berseloroh: don’t take what he says seriously, he is only pulling your ~, jangan ambil hati dgn apa yg dikatakannya, dia cuma bergurau; shake a ~, (sl) move it, approp v + cepat-cepat: shake a ~, men! We’ve got to finish this before nightfall, buat cepat-cepat! Kita mesti habiskan kerja ini sebelum malam; show a ~, (colloq) bangun: she rarely shows a ~ before half-past-ten, dia jarang sekali bangun sebelum pukul sepuluh setengah pagi; stretch o’s ~s, melurus-luruskan kaki: when the train stopped at the station, some passengers got out and stretched their ~s, apabila kereta api berhenti di stesen itu, sesetengah penumpang turun dan melurus-luruskan kaki; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leg | pull so’s ~, (colloq) bergurau, berseloroh: don’t take what he says seriously, he is only pulling your ~, jangan ambil hati dgn apa yg dikatakannya, dia cuma bergurau; shake a ~, (sl) move it, approp v + cepat-cepat: shake a ~, men! We’ve got to finish this before nightfall, buat cepat-cepat! Kita mesti habiskan kerja ini sebelum malam; show a ~, (colloq) bangun: she rarely shows a ~ before half-past-ten, dia jarang sekali bangun sebelum pukul sepuluh setengah pagi; stretch o’s ~s, melurus-luruskan kaki: when the train stopped at the station, some passengers got out and stretched their ~s, apabila kereta api berhenti di stesen itu, sesetengah penumpang turun dan melurus-luruskan kaki; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sport | 4. jest, fun, gurauan, bergurau, seloroh, berseloroh: although the remark was said in ~, there was no mistaking its meaning, sungguhpun kata-kata itu diucapkan secara bergurau, maksudnya sangat jelas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |