accord | be in ~ with, a. (of information, statement, claim, etc) /selaras, sejajar, bertepatan/ dgn; b. (of person), /bersetuju, bersependapat/ dgn; be out of ~ with, tdk /selaras, sejajar, bertepatan/ dgn; of o’s own ~, dgn /kerelaan, kehendak, kemahuan/ sso sendiri; with one ~, a. (unanimously) dgn sebulat suara; b. (simultaneously), (dgn) serentak: to rise with one ~, bangun serentak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eye | only have ~s for so., cuma pandang sso sahaja: I was trying to get her to dance with me but she only had ~s for Hamdan, saya mencuba mengajak dia menari dgn saya, tetapi dia cuma pandang Hamdan sahaja; see ~ to ~, bersependapat: she and I usually see ~ to ~, saya dan dia selalunya bersependapat; turn a blind ~ to, menutup mata; up to /the, o’s/ ~s in, terlalu sibuk: we’re up to our ~s in work, kami terlalu sibuk membuat kerja; with an ~ to, dgn harapan: everything he does is done with an ~ to getting some reward, segala yg dilakukannya dibuat dgn harapan utk mendapat ganjaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
agree | vi 1. assent, bersetuju: the army ~d to withdraw from the area, pasukan tentera itu bersetuju utk berundur dr kawasan itu; to ~ to a proposal, bersetuju dgn sst cadangan; 2. hold similar opinion, bersetuju, bersependapat: she ~d with her husband that the car was too expensive for them, dia bersependapat dgn suaminya bahawa kereta itu terlalu mahal bagi mereka; be ~d, bersetuju: we are all ~d that the project is feasible, kami semua bersetuju bahawa projek itu dapat dilaksanakan; 3. reach an agreement, mencapai persetujuan, bersetuju: we could not ~ as to what measures should be taken, kami tdk dapat mencapai persetujuan ttg apakah langkah-langkah yg perlu diambil; ~ to /differ, disagree/, bersetuju utk /berbeza, tdk bersetuju, berlainan pendapat/; 4. get along, sekata, secocok: they will never ~, mereka itu tdk akan sekata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |