Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | برسرونوق-سرونوق

Definisi : bersuka ria, ber­senang-senang, bergembira, berfoya-foya: sampai hati dia ~ dgn perempuan lain sedangkan isterinya sedang terlantar sakit di rumah; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata berseronok-seronok

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

enjoy~ os, berseronok-seronok, bersuka-suka: he always ~s himself at parties, dia selalu berseronok-seronok di majlis keramaian.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
funhave ~, berseronok-seronok: let’s have some ~, mari berseronok-seronok; 2. source of amusement, keseronokan, seronok, menyeronokkan: snooker is such ~, main snuker sungguh menyeronokkan or seronok betul main snuker or main snuker betul-betul satu keseronokan; we found your friend great ~, kami seronok bersama kawanmu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
heel 1 kick up o’s ~s, (fig.) enjoy os thoroughly, berseronok-seronok: with their exams over it was time to kick up their ~s, setelah peperiksaan tamat, tibalah masanya utk mereka berseronok-seronok; set so. (back) on his ~s, memeranjatkan sso; show a clean pair of ~s, take to o’s ~s, cabut lari; turn /upon, on/ o’s ~, berpusing: I turned on my ~ and left the room, saya berpusing dan meninggalkan bilik itu; under the ~ of, dlm cengkaman, ditindas oleh: the country was under the ~ of a dictator, negeri itu dlm cengkaman seorang diktator;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
good-timeadj suka /berfoya-foya, berseronok-seronok/: a ~ girl, gadis yg suka berfoya-foya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flingn lemparan, lontaran, balingan; give st a ~, /melempar, melontar, membaling/ sst; have a ~, (colloq) a. enjoy os for the last time, berseronok-seronok (buat kali terakhir): we decided to have a last ~ and drink up all the champagne before the Germans arrived, kami memutuskan utk berseronok-seronok buat kali terakhir dan menghabiskan champagne sebelum tentera Jerman tiba; b. have casual love affair, bermain asmara: she had a ~ with a visiting American actor, dia bermain asmara dgn seorang pelakon Amerika yg datang berkunjung; have a ~ at st, give st a ~, mencuba sst: I’m willing to have a ~ at the job, saya sanggup mencuba pekerjaan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ball2n social gathering for dancing, majlis /tari-menari, dansa/; have a ~, (colloq) berseronok-seronok, bersuka-suka.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
kickfor ~s, utk berseronok-seronok (sahaja); get a ~ out of, berasa seronok: vandals get a big ~ out of defacing public property, budak-budak jahat berasa amat seronok merosakkan harta benda awam; give so. a ~, menyebabkan sso seroKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hugelyadv 1. very much, immensely, dgn amat sangat; (foll by adj) sangat(-sangat): the children enjoyed themselves ~, kanak-kanak itu berseronok-seronok dgn amat sangat; a ~ successful venture, usaha yg sangat berjaya; 2. by a big amount, dgn banyak: profits have increased ~, keuntungan telah bertambah dgn banyak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
laughdon’t make me ~, (colloq), (irony) ketawa /aku, saya/ dibuatnya: you think my trip abroad will be a holiday? Don’t make me ~, I have to work the whole time, kamu fikir saya pergi keluar negeri itu utk berseronok-seronok? Ketawa saya dibuatnya, saya sebenarnya terpaksa bekerja sepanjang masa; you’ ve (got) to ~, (colloq) sso /ketawa, gelak/ juga: I know it’s a problem. But you’ve to ~ when you think about it, saya tahu itu satu masalah. Tetapi kita ketawa juga apabila memikirkannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
grill 1 vi 1. be cooked on a grill, digril: while the meat is ~ing, prepare the salad, semasa daging digril, sediakan salad; 2. (fig.) be subjected to great heat, dipanggang, terpanggang: while the others enjoyed a walk in the woods, I sat ~ing in the hot sun, sedang yg lain berseronok-seronok berjalan dlm hutan, saya duduk dipanggang cahaya matahari;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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