alert | vt 1. signal to prepare for action, memberitahu supaya bersiap sedia: the division was ~ed to the possibility of a sudden departure, bahagian itu telah diberitahu supaya bersiap sedia krn kemungkinan diberangkatkan dgn tiba-tiba; 2. make aware, menyedarkan: to ~ the younger generation to the dangers of drugs, menyedarkan generasi muda ttg bahaya dadah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approach | vi 1. come nearer (in space) mendekat, merapat, menghampiri + approp n; (of sound) kedengaran semakin dekat: the soldiers ~ed cautiously, ready for combat, askar-askar itu mendekat dgn berhati-hati, bersiap sedia utk bertempur; they could see a storm ~ing from the west, kelihatan pokok ribut berarak menghampiri pantai dr sebelah barat; as the eerie sound ~ed, they became more terrified, apabila bunyi yg menyeramkan itu kedengaran semakin dekat, mereka menjadi bertambah ngeri; 2. come nearer (in time) menjelang, mendekat, hampir tiba; (of event that fills one with apprehension, reluctance) hampir tiba: her wedding day is fast ~ing, hari perkahwinannya hampir tiba; the day of reckoning ~es, hari pengadilan hampir tiba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | ~ in, a. mengempiskan: I have to wear a corset to ~ my stomach in, saya terpaksa memakai korset utk mengempiskan perut saya; b. (fig.) menahan, mengawal: he could no longer ~ in his feelings, dia tdk boleh lagi menahan perasaannya; ~ so. in o’s arms, a. carry in o’s arms, mendukung: she held the baby in her arms, dia mendukung bayi itu; b. embrace so., memeluk sso; ~ in o’s head, mengingat: I can’t ~ all these formulas in my head, saya tdk dapat mengingat semua formula ini; ~ os in readiness, bersiap sedia; ~ /so., st/ in awe, gerun dan kagum thdp /sso, sst/; ~ in place, [various translations]: the cloth is held in place by a hoop, kain itu diregangkan dgn pemidang; the frame is held in place by a hook, bingkai itu dipasang dgn cangkuk; ~ in reserve, menyimpan; (mil) mengekhaskan [sso, sst] sbg tentera simpanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
busy | adj 1. having much to do or attend to, sibuk: he is a very ~ man, dia (orang yg) sangat sibuk; a businessman is always ~, ahli perniagaan sentiasa sibuk; 2. actively engaged or occupied (in doing st) sibuk: he is ~ at work, dia sedang sibuk bekerja; we are ~ getting ready for the trip, kami sedang sibuk bersiap-siap utk perjalanan itu; 3. characterized by, full of activity, penuh kesibukan, sangat sibuk: a ~ life, kehidupan yg penuh kesibukan; a ~ day, hari yg sangat sibuk; 4. (of a telephone line) engaged, in use,sedang /dipakai, digunakan/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
camp | n 1. place where soldiers, sportsmen are lodged or trained, kem; 2. temporary shelter, lodging, a. (for prisoners, detainees, etc) kem: detention ~, kem tahanan; b. (for refugees, nomads, holiday-makers, explorers, travellers, etc) perkhemahan: a holiday ~, perkhemahan masa cuti; refugee ~s near the border, perkhemahan pelarian dekat sempadan; 3. any makeshift shelter, tent, etc, khemah: to pitch a ~, mendirikan khemah; break ~, /menggulung, menurunkan/ khemah dan bersiap sedia utk meninggalkan tempat; 4. group supporting a particular cause or doctrine, kem: socialist ~, kem sosialis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |