fuss | make a ~, buat /kecoh, heboh/: he made a ~ about the bad service, dia buat kecoh ttg layanan yg buruk itu; make a ~ /of, over/, /bersusah-susah, bersusah-payah/ melayan: she made a ~ of the children, dia bersusah-susah melayan budak-budak itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bother | be a ~, give ~, a. disturb, mengganggu; b. cause difficulty, fuss, menyusahkan, menyulitkan: she doesn’t want to be a ~ to anyone, dia tdk mahu menyusahkan sesiapa pun; go to /some, a lot of/ ~, put os to /some, a lot of/ ~, bersusah payah, bersusah-susah: our friends put themselves to a lot of ~ finding a house for us, kawan-kawan kami bersusah payah mencari sebuah rumah utk kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
labour | vi 1. work hard, strive for st, bekerja /bertungkus-lumus, keras/: he ~ed from dawn until dark to get the harvest in, dia bekerja keras dr subuh hingga ke senja utk menuai dan mengumpulkan hasil tanaman; 2. a. advance with difficulty, bersusah payah + approp v; (of car) merangkak; (of ship) berhempas pulas: she ~ed up the stairs carrying two suitcases, dia bersusah payah memanjat tangga dgn membawa dua buah beg pakaian; the ship ~ed through the stormy seas, kapal itu berhempas-pulas menempuh lautan yg bergelora; b. struggle, bergelut: students ~ing through a chemistry exam, penuntut-penuntut yg sedang bergelut menghadapi ujian kimia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infinite | adj 1. limitless, boundless, tdk /terhad, terbatas/: ~ space, ruang angkasa yg tdk terhad; in tropical rain forests, there is an ~ variety of plants, dlm hutan hujan tropika terdapat kepelbagaian jenis pokok yg tdk terbatas; 2. very great, sangat, amat: she took ~ trouble over the meal, dia amat bersusah payah menyediakan makanan itu; a man of ~ wealth, orang yg sangat kaya; her patience was ~, dia sangat sabar; 3. absolute, tdk /terbatas, terhad/; (in Islam) Maha: God’s ~ wisdom, kebijaksanaan Tuhan yg tdk terbatas or Tuhan yg Maha Bijaksana; the ~ mercy of God, Tuhan yg Maha Pengampun; 4. (math) tak terhingga: ~ series, siri tak terhingga; ~ gradient, cerun tak terhingga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deal | n 1. usu a /good, great/ ~ of, a. indefinite amount, banyak: a good ~ of money, banyak wang; a great ~ of effort has been wasted on the project, banyak usaha tersia-sia sahaja krn projek itu; /spend, take/ a great ~ of trouble (to do st) telah bersusah payah (membuat sst); b. indefinite degree, amat, sangat, sungguh; (of difference) besar: to cause so. a good ~ of worry, menyebabkan sso merasa amat risau; to suffer a great ~ of pain, mengalami kesakitan yg amat sangat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effort | in an ~ to, dlm usaha: the government has introduced a number of reforms in an ~ to restructure society, kerajaan telah memperkenalkan beberapa pembaharuan dlm usaha menyusun semula masyarakat; /need, require/ /much, a great deal of/ ~, susah, sukar:it doesn’t need much ~ to move the couch, bukannya sukar mengalih kerusi panjang itu; make an ~, berusaha, berikhtiar: he made not the slightest ~ to conceal his delight, dia tdk berusaha sedikit pun utk menyembunyikan kegembiraannya; make every ~, berusaha /betul-betul, sungguh-sungguh/, /betul-betul, sungguh-sungguh/ berikhtiar; be (too much of) an ~, (terlalu) /sukar, susah/; with (some, an) ~, dgn bersusah payah; without ~, dgn mudah (sahaja). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | f. approach (esp by walking) mendekat, merapat, menghampiri sso: I was waiting for a taxi when a man came up and asked me for some money, semasa saya menunggu teksi, seorang lelaki menghampiri saya dan meminta wang; g. be mentioned, timbul, disebut: the issue came up several times in the course of the discussion, isu itu timbul beberapa kali semasa perbincangan; her name came up in the conversation, namanya disebut dlm perbualan itu; h. (colloq) be drawn, naik: my number came up and I won $2,000, nombor saya naik, dan saya memenangi $2,000; i. rise in rank, position, naik, meningkat: unlike you, he came up the hard way, tdk spt kamu, dia naik setelah bersusah payah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |