contend | vi compete (for prize, title, power, etc) beradu, bertanding; (in business) bersaing: the boxers are ~ing for the world title, petinju-petinju itu bertanding utk merebut gelaran sedunia; our firm is too small to ~ against the international companies, firma kami terlalu kecil utk bersaing dgn syarikat-syarikat antarabangsa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
compete | vi bersaing; (in contest, competition, race, etc) bertanding: to ~ in business, bersaing dlm perniagaan; to ~ for so’s affection, bersaing utk mendapat kasih sayang sso; the college team ~ed against our school team, pasukan maktab itu bertanding menentang pasukan sekolah kami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contest | vt 1. dispute, challenge, mempertikaikan: every clause in the bill was ~ed by the opposition, setiap fasal dlm rang undang-undang itu dipertikaikan oleh pihak pembangkang; the shareholders ~ed the accuracy of the report, para pemegang saham mempertikaikan ketepatan laporan itu; to ~ a will, mempertikaikan wasiat; 2. compete, a. (for st) bertanding utk merebut: to ~ a parliamentary seat, bertanding utk merebut kerusi parlimen; b. (in competition, election) bertanding dlm: ~ the race, bertanding dlm perlumbaan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fight | ~ a battle, bertempur; ~ so’s battles for him, berjuang utk sso; ~ a duel, berlawan, bertarung; ~ an election, bertanding dlm pilihan raya; ~ o’s own ~s, berjuang utk diri sendiri; ~ shy of, (be unwilling) enggan; (avoid) mengelak drpd; ~ a war, berperang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contest | vi compete, a. (in business etc) bersaing: there is no way we can ~ with electronic giants like Hitachi, kita sama sekali tdk mungkin dapat bersaing dgn syarikat-syarikat gergasi elektronik spt Hitachi; b. (in competition) bertanding: six students are ~ing for the prize, enam orang pelajar bertanding utk merebut hadiah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enter | 4. register, mendaftarkan: he has ~ed two horses for the competition, dia mendaftarkan dua ekor kuda dlm pertandingan itu; 5. take part in, participate, menyertai, masuk bertanding: she ~ed all the races in her group, dia menyertai semua perlumbaan dlm kumpulannya; 6. make record of, memasukkan, mencatat: she ~ed the appointment in her diary, dia mencatat janji temu itu ke dlm buku hariannya; to ~ all transactions, mencatat semua urusniaga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emulous | adj 1. designing, aiming to equal others, suka mengikut jejak: boys ~ of their fathers, anak-anak lelaki yg suka mengikut jejak bapa mereka; 2. characterized by spirit of rivalry, bersaing(an), bertanding: ~ of fame, bersaing utk memperoleh kemasyhuran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | [for phrases such as ~ debt, ~ despair, ~ horror, ~ luck, ~ public, ~ ruins, ~ tears, etc, see approp n]; 10. (indic manner) secara; (of speaking) dengan: they met ~ secret, mereka berjumpa secara sulit; to pay ~ instalments, membayar secara ansuran; he told me ~ confidence that he would not be contesting the seat, dia memberitahu saya secara rahsia bahawa dia tdk akan bertanding utk merebut erusi itu; she spoke ~ a harsh voice, dia bercakap dengan suara yg keras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |