Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

oppositeadj 1. a. facing, bertentangan; (ref to page) bertentangan, sebelah; (in rel to so.), /berhadapan, bertentangan/ dgn, di hadapan: the hotel is on the ~ bank of the Rhine, hotel tersebut terletak di tebing Sungai Rhine yg bertentangan; on the ~ page is a photograph of the maharajah taken in 1946, di halaman yg bertentangan terdapat gambar foto maharaja itu yg diambil pd tahun 1946; he sat ~ to me at the dinner, dia duduk berhadapan dgn saya semasa majlis makan malam itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
antithetic(al)adj 1. (rhet) berantitesis; 2. contrasted, bertentangan: the ~ symbolism of fertility and barrenness, perlambangan kesuburan dan ketandusan yg bertentangan; 3. consisting of two opposites, bertentangan: their essential motives are ~, motif utama mereka bertentangan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
reverseadj 1. opposite, contrary, bertentangan, berlawanan: in the ~ direction, dlm arah yg bertentangan; we can see a ~ trend in progress, kami dapat melihat arah aliran yg bertentangan dlm kemajuan; 2. back to front, a. (of fabric) dalam: the ~ side of the material is rougher, bahagian dalam kain itu lebih kasar; b. (of coin, picture, etc) belakang: would you put your address on the ~ side of the cheque, sila tulis alamat tuan di bahagian belakang cek; /in, into/ ~ order, dlm tertib terbalik: the names of the winners were read in ~ order, nama-nama pemenang itu dibaca dlm tertib terbalik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
contraryadj 1. opposed, opposite, bertentangan; (of words) berlawanan: ~ to the doctor’s advice, he went back to work the very next day, bertentangan dgn nasihat doktor, dia kembali bekerja keesokan harinya; the result is ~ to our expectation, keputusan itu berlawanan dgn harapan kami; his conduct is ~ to the rules of the school, tingkah lakunya bertentangan dgn peraturan sekolah; ~ opinions, pendapat yg bertentangan; “fast” and “slow” are ~ terms, “cepat” dan “lambat” ialah kata yg berlawanan; 2. (of wind) sakal; 3. obstinate, difficult, suka membantah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
antithesisn 1. direct opposite, sst yg /bertentangan, berlawanan/: rhyme is sometimes taken as the ~ of reason, puisi kadangkala dianggap sbg sst yg bertentangan dgn logik; 2. contrast, bertentangan; 3.x (rhet) antitesis.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
unchristianadj 1. contrary to Christian principles, bertentangan dgn agama Kristian: ~ attitude, sikap yg bertentangan dgn agama Kristian;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
incompatibleadj 1. incapable of living, working, etc together, tdk /serasi, secocok, bersesuaian/, tdk /sesuai, cocok/ antara satu sama lain: business partners who are not ~, rakan perniagaan yg tdk sesuai antara satu sama lain; 2. unable to occur, exist etc in harmony, bertentangan; (with each other) bertentangan antara satu sama lain; (tech) tak serasi: his behaviour is ~ with his position, tingkah lakunya bertentangan dgn kedudukannya; ~ ideas, gagasan yg bertentangan antara satu sama lain; ~ colours, warna yg bertentangan antara satu sama lain.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
extremen (often in pl) 1. either of two limits that is as far apart or different from each other, (approp n) yg bertentangan; (of temperature) tinggi rendah [suhu] yg melampau: Members of Parliament who represent political ~s, Ahli-Ahli Parlimen yg mewakili faham politik yg bertentangan; the ~s of joy and sadness, kebahagian dan kesedihan yg bertentangan; he found it difficult to get used to the ~s of temperature, dia mendapati sukar utk membiasakan diri dgn tinggi rendah suhu yg melampau; 2. greatest degree, [sst] yg /keterlaluan, melampau/: the ~s of fashion, fesyen yg keterlaluan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
polaradj 1. of or near North or South poles, kutub: the penguins of the southern ~ regions, penguin kawasan kutub selatan; 2. (fml) completely opposite in character, quality, etc, sangat bertentangan: the ~ extremes between the two systems of government, sistem kerajaan dua buah negara yg sangat bertentangan; 3. one of the poles of a magnet, kutub.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jar2vi 1. have unpleasant, disturbing effect on, menjengkelkan: the clang of the hammer as it strikes the anvil ~s somewhat, bunyi tukul menghentam andas agak menjengkelkan; 2. be out of harmony, bertentangan, berlawanan; (of colours) tdk harmoni: his ideas of discipline ~red with mine, pendapatnya ttg disiplin bertentangan dgn pendapat saya; colours that ~, warna-warna yg tdk harmoni;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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