continue | vi 1. last, endure, berterusan, berlanjutan; (for a short time) berterusan: the applause ~d long after the curtain call, tepukan berterusan lama selepas sembah seni; the war might ~ for years, peperangan itu mungkin berlanjutan hingga beberapa tahun; the performance ~d until late that night, pertunjukan itu berlanjutan sehingga larut malam; the discussion ~d for over an hour, perbincangan itu berterusan lebih drpd sejam; 2. proceed, remain, terus: the weather ~s fine, cuaca terus baik; he ~d as secretary of the organization until he retired, dia terus menjadi setiausaha pertubuhan itu sehinggalah dia bersara; they ~d up the mountain on foot, mereka terus berjalan kaki mendaki gunung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
continuous | adj 1. perpetual, berterusan: the brain needs a ~ supply of blood, otak memerlukan bekalan darah yg berterusan; a ~ jet of water, pancutan air yg berterusan; 2. (phys) selanjar: ~ spectrum, spektrum selanjar; ~ function, fungsi selanjar; ~ beam, alur selanjar; 3. (gram.) berlanjutan: future ~ tense, kala depan berlanjutan; past ~ tense, kala lampau berlanjutan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
continuance | n act of continuing, berterusan, berlanjutan, berpanjangan: we hope for a ~ of your patronage, kami berharap agar kunjungan tuan akan berterusan; ~ of the famine would bring disaster to the country, sekiranya kebuluran ini berterusan, negara akan mengalami bencana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
continued | adj going on, berterusan, berpanjangan: ~ interest, minat yg berterusan; ~ prosperity, kemakmuran yg berpanjangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
going | adj 1. operating well, berterusan: a ~ concern, usaha berterusan; 2. current, kini: the ~ rate, kadar kini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | semakin kaya; i. continue without change, berterusan: this state of affairs can’t ~ on forever, keadaan ini tdk boleh berterusan selama-lamanya; j. continue (doing st) terus: he ~es on trying, dia terus mencuba; k. continue living, terus hidup; l. be turned on, dipasang: the lights ~ on at 6.30 p.m., lampu-lampu dipasang pd pukul 6.30 petang; m. act according to, judge by, [various translations]: there’s not enough evidence to ~ on, tdk ada bukti yg cukup utk dijadikan asas bertindak; we cannot ~ on his account entirely, kita tdk boleh bertindak berdasarkan ceritanya sahaja; be ~ne on so., tergila-gilakan sso; ~ on /holiday, a picnic, etc/, pergi /bercuti, berkelah, dll/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keep | ~ up, a. continue, terus + approp v or adj, berterusan: the storm kept up all night, ribut terus melanda sepanjang malam or ribut berterusan sepanjang malam; the gun fire kept up for a few days, tembakan meriam be | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grind | ~ on, a. (of speaker) meneruskan /ceramah, syarahan, pidato/ dgn cara yg membosankan; b. (of a procedure etc) berterusan: the legal dispute ground on without any solution in sight, pertikaian undang-undang itu berterusan dgn tiada tanda-tanda penyelesaian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chain-smoke | vi merokok berterusan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incessant | adj tdk henti-henti, berterusan; (of complaint etc) tdk /habis-habis, henti-henti/: after a week of ~ rain..., setelah seminggu hujan turun tdk henti-henti...; I will not put up with this ~ chatter, saya tdk sanggup mendengar celoteh yg tdk henti-henti ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |