Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ber.tim.bun.tim.bun] | برتيمبون-تيمبون

Definisi : bersusun bertindih-tindih (menjadi timbun), berlonggok-longgok (bertompok-tompok), beberapa timbun: ~ sabut di bawah rumah­nya; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

heapn 1. pile, timbunan, longgokan: a ~ of dirty clothes, longgokan pakaian kotor; lie in a ~, bertimbun(-timbun), berlonggok(-longgok); 2. usu ~s of, (colloq) large number, plenty, bertimbun-timbun, banyak; (of people, time) banyak: I have ~s of work to do, saya ada kerja yg bertimbun-timbun utk dibuat; he knows ~s of people, dia kenal banyak orang; to have ~s of time, ada banyak masa;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
impressionb. (by an effort or activity), [various translations]: his day’s work had made little ~ on the piles of papers he had to get through, sehari suntuk dia bekerja tetapi cuma sedikit sahaja yg dapat diselesaikannya drpd kerja yg bertimbun-timbun itu; you’d need to scrub and scrape before you made any ~ on that dirt, kamu terpaksa memberus dan menyental sebelum kamu dapat menghilangkan kotoran itu; 2. mark, imprint made by pressing, kesan, bekas: the ~ of his feet in the sand, kesan tapak kakinya di pasir;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lashingn 1. whipping, beating, sebat(an); give so. a ~, menyebat sso; get a ~, disebat, kena sebat; 2. scolding, sumpah seranah; ,b>give so. a. (tongue-) ~, menyeranah sso: Judy gave him a tongue- ~ when he got home, Judy menyeranahnya apabila dia balik ke rumah; 3. (in pl), (colloq) lavish quantity, bertimbun-timbun, berlambak-lambak: they ate their strawberries with ~s of cream, mereka makan strawberi dgn krim yg berlambak-lambak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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