depart | vi 1. leave, a. (of person) berlepas, bertolak, berangkat; (of royalty) berangkat: we will ~ for Korea tomorrow, kami akan berlepas ke Korea esok; b. (of means of transport) bertolak, berlepas; (of aeroplane) berlepas: the train ~s at ten, kereta api itu akan bertolak pd pukul sepuluh; 2. deviate, menyimpang: to ~ from tradition, menyimpang drpd tradisi; to ~ from o’s previous intentions, menyimpang drpd tujuan asal sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embarkation | n 1. act of going on board, menaiki /kapal, kapal terbang/; 2. act of taking on board, pengambilan dgn /kapal, kapal terbang/: the general ordered the ~ of troops to be speeded up, jeneral itu mengarahkan supaya pengambilan askar-askar dgn kapal terbang dipercepat; ~ leave, cuti belayar; date of ~, tarikh /berlepas, bertolak/; port of ~, tempat /berlepas, bertolak/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
departure | n 1. leaving, a. (of person) pemergian; (of royalty) keberangkatan: a sudden ~, pemergian yg tiba-tiba; many will regret his ~ from the company, ramai orang akan berasa sedih atas pemergiannya dr syarikat ini; b. (of means of transport) bertolak, berlepas; (of aeroplane) berlepas: ~ time, waktu berlepas; ~ lounge, balai berlepas; 2. divergence, penyimpangan: a ~ from established procedure, penyimpangan drpd cara yg biasa; a ~ from the truth, penyimpangan drpd kebenaran; 3. instance of departing, waktu /berlepas, bertolak, berangkat/: arrivals and ~s have been rescheduled, waktu ketibaan dan waktu berlepas telah dijadualkan semula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | adv 1. a very short time ago, baru (saja): they have ~ left, mereka baru saja bertolak; the book has ~ been published, buku itu baru saja diterbitkan; I ~ told her the news, saya baru memberitahunya berita itu; 2. on the point of, hendak: I’m ~ coming down, saya hendak turun ni; we’re ~ leaving, kami hendak pulang ni; 3. at this very moment, sedang: he’s ~ coming up the steps, dia sedang menaiki tangga; 4. merely, hanya, cuma: “how many times did you see it?” “J~ twice”, “berapa kali kamu melihatnya?” “Cuma dua kali”; it’s ~ a little gift, ini hanya buah tangan yg tdk sepertinya; there will be ~ the two of us, cuma kita berdua saja di situ; I ~ wanted to borrow the book, not steal it, saya hanya | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dawn | n 1. daybreak, (waktu) subuh: ~ is nearly here, hari sudah hampir subuh; they set off at ~, mereka bertolak pd waktu subuh; ~ chorus, kicauan unggas pd waktu subuh; at /the first streak, (the) break, the crack/ of ~, apabila fajar menyingsing; 2. beginning, birth, bermulanya; (of love) bibit; (of hope) sinar: the ~ of civilisation, bermulanya peradaban; the news brought a ~ of hope, berita itu membawa sinar harapan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elasticity | n 1. capability of returning to original shape, keanjalan, kekenyalan; 2. flexibility, keanjalan; (of personv) boleh bertolak ansur; 3. (econ & phys) keanjalan, kekenyalan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
before | prep 1. earlier than, prior to, a. (a specif date, event, occurrence, etc) sebelum: they all left ~ six o’clock, mereka semua bertolak sebelum pukul enam; it must have taken place ~ 1941, kejadian itu pasti telah berlaku sebelum tahun 1941; a few days ~ the final battle, beberapa hari sebelum pertempuran terakhir; the calm ~ the storm, keadaan yg tenang sebelum ribut; ~ the school holidays, sebelum cuti sekolah; b. (in relative time or order) lebih dahulu (drpd), sebelum: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
already | adv 1. (indic completed action or action in process) sudah, sudah pun: he ~ knows the problem, dia sudah pun tahu ttg masalah itu; the bus has ~ left, bas itu sudah bertolak; it’s ~ boiling, air sudah pun mendidih; 2. (with interrog) sudahkah; (rel to time) sudah: have you finished your work ~?, sudahkah kamu menyelesaikan kerja kamu?; is it five o’clock ~?, sudah pukul lima?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elastic | adj 1. capable of returning to its original shape, kenyal, anjal, elastik: rubber has ~ properties, getah mempunyai sifat-sifat kenyal; 2. made of elastic, elastik: ~ bandage, pembalut elastik; 3. flexible, adaptable, anjal; (of person) boleh bertolak ansur: an ~ schedule, jadual yg anjal; ~ rules, peraturan-peraturan yg anjal; 4. quick to recover or revive, /cepat, mudah/ /pulih, reda, dll/; 5. (econ & phys) kenyal, anjal, elastik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bank1 | ~ on, /terlalu, sangat/ mengharapkan; ~ on (doing st), berharap dapat (berbuat sst): don’t ~ on your relatives helping you out, jangan terlalu mengharapkan saudara-mara menolong kamu; we are ~ing on the weather being fine, kami sangat mengharapkan agar cuaca baik; he’s ~ing on leaving before the weekend, dia berharap dapat bertolak sebelum hujung minggu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |