intolerant | adj tdk bertoleransi: an ~ fanatic, fanatik yg tdk bertoleransi; be ~ of, tdk + approp v: she’s ~ of criticism, dia tdk tahan dikritik; a politician who is ~ of opposition, ahli politik yg tdk dapat menerima sebarang tentangan; some people are ~ of new ideas, sesetengah orang tdk mahu menerima idea-idea baru; to be ~ of any form of excess, tdk tahan melihat sebarang pembaziran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intolerance | n lack of tolerance, bigotry, (sikap) tdk bertoleransi: religious ~, sikap tdk bertoleransi thdp agama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grow | 2. become, menjadi; (gradually) semakin, bertambah: he grew rich by swindling people, dia menjadi kaya dgn cara menipu orang; as one ~s older one becomes more tolerant, semakin tua, seseorang itu akan menjadi lebih bertoleransi; the chug of the train grew faint, bunyi cag-cag kereta api itu semakin sayup kedengaran; 3. increase, a. (in size) membesar: the cells multiplied and grew, sel-sel membiak dan membesar; b. (in height), (bertambah) tinggi: the child has ~n since I last saw her, budak itu bertambah | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |