auspicious | adj 1. attended by good auspices, bertuah: on this ~ occasion, pd hari yg bertuah ini; 2. giving, showing signs of future success, baik: an ~ beginning, permulaan yg baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | n 1. picking out by chance, cabutan; (lottery) cabutan loteri: he was lucky in the first ~, dia bertuah dlm cabutan yg pertama; a lucky ~, cabutan nombor bertuah; when will the ~ take place?, bilakah cabutan loteri itu akan diadakan?; 2. tie, seri: the match ended in a ~, pertandingan itu berakhir dgn seri; 3. person, thing that attracts, tarikan: the well-known actress was a ~ at the concert, seniwati terkenal itu merupakan satu tarikan di konsert tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blessed | adj 1. worthy of blessing, dirahmati Tuhan (hendaknya): ~ are the merciful, dirahmati Tuhan hendaknya orang yg mempunyai rasa belas kasihan; 2. confounded (euphem) bertuah: those ~ bells never stopped ringing, loceng-loceng bertuah itu tdk pernah berhenti berbunyi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grab-bag | n (US) cabutan bertuah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
land of milk and honey | n rich and fertile land, bumi bertuah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ear1 | have a word in your ~, bercakap (sedikit) dgn saudara; /have gain, win/ the ~ of so., kata-katanya /didengar, dilayani/ (oleh) sso: she was fortunate enough to have the ~ of the king, dia bertuah krn kata-katanya didengar oleh raja; keep o’s ~s open, keep o’s ~s to the ground, sentiasa memasang telinga: he keeps his ~s open for the latest gossip, dia sentiasa memasang telinga utk mendengar cerita-cerita baru; lend so. o’s ~(s, memberikan perhatian kpd sso; on the ~, didengar, pd /pendengaran, telinga/ sso: music that falls sweetly on the ~, muzik yg sedap didengar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dog | n 1. (animal) anjing; 2. male dog, anjing jantan; 3. also dog-fox, rubah jantan; 4. also dog-wolf, serigala jantan; 5. (colloq) fellow, orang: he’s a lucky ~, dia orang yg bertuah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
devil | a ~ of a, (colloq), [no specif translation]: we had a ~ of a time trying to convince her, teruk kami hendak meyakinkan dia; a ~ of a car, hebat betul kereta itu; between the ~ and the deep blue sea, dlm keadaan ditelan mati emak, diludahkan mati bapa; go to the ~, a. be damned, pergi jahanam; b. go away, berambus; like the ~, see HELL (like hell); lucky ~, bertuah betul; play the ~ with, see HELL (play hell with); poor ~, [no specif translation]: the poor ~ had lost all his money, kasihan dia, habis duit dia hilang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |