blue | n 1. (colour), (warna) biru: ~ is his favourite colour, biru adalah warna kegemarannya; 2. blueing, nila; 3. blue clothing, pakaian (berwarna) biru: a woman dressed in ~, perempuan yg memakai pakaian berwarna biru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grey | n 1. (colour), (warna) kelabu: the cupboard was painted ~,almari itu dicat kelabu; 2. grey clothes, material, pakaian berwarna kelabu: she seldom wears ~, dia jarang memakai pakaian berwarna kelabu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brown | n 1. (colour) warna coklat; 2. pigment producing this colour, pewarna coklat; 3. brown clothing, pakaian berwarna coklat: she was dressed in ~, dia memakai pakaian berwarna coklat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
darkness | n 1. absence of light, kegelapan: in the ~ of the night, dlm kegelapan malam; 2. state of being dark, gelap: the studio was in complete ~, studio itu gelap-gelita; 3. quality of being dark in shade, a. (of complexion, skin) kehitaman, kegelapan; b. (of hair, eyes) berwarna gelap; (tending towards brown) berwarna coklat gelap; (tending towards black) kehitaman, hitam; c. (of clothing) kegelapan warna, berwarna gelap; 4. obscurity, kekaburan: the ~ of the prophecies, kekaburan ramalan-ramalan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lavender | n 1. (plant), (pokok) lavender; 2. (flower), (bunga) lavender; 3. (colour), (warna) gandaria; (attrib) berwarna gandaria: a ~ dress, baju yg berwarna gandaria. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flash | 3. also newsflash, brief item of news, berita kilat; 4. see FLASHLIGHT; 5. (of colour) small patch, sedikit: the butterfly’s wings are black with ~es of red, sayap rama-rama itu berwarna hitam dgn warna merah sedikit; 6. stripe on uniform, jalur warna; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faint | adj 1. indistinct, a. (of light) kelam, malap: in the ~ light of the moon, dlm cahaya bulan yg kelam; b. (of sound) perlahan, tdk jelas: she heard a ~ noise downstairs, dia terdengar bunyi yg tdk jelas dr bawah; c. (of shape, outline) samar-samar, berbalam(-balam): the ~ outline of a ship on the horizon, bentuk kapal yg samar-samar di kaki langit; d. (of writing etc) pudar, kabur, kelam: there were ~ inscriptions on the wall, terdapat inskripsi yg pudar pd dinding itu; e. (of colours) kelihatan samar-samar: the curtains were blue with a ~ tinge of green, langsir itu berwarna biru dan terdapat warna hijau (yg kelihatan) samar-samar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gold | n 1. (metal) emas: the ship was loaded with ~ bullion, kapal itu sarat dgn jongkong emas; 18-carat ~, emas 18 karat; currencies backed by ~, mata wang yg disandari emas; a ~ ring, cincin emas; a ~ mine, lombong emas; 2. objects made of gold, emas: eight million dollars worth of ~ and diamonds were reported missing from the safe, emas dan berlian bernilai lapan juta dolar dilaporkan hilang dr peti besi itu; 3. (colloq) gold medal, pingat emas; 4. (rhet) wealth, riches, harta kekayaan; 5. colour of gold, warna keemasan: he could see the ~ of her hair through the trees, dia dapat melihat rambutnya yg berwarna keemasan dr celah-celah pokok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |