grand | 7. ambitious or lofty in conception, treatment, etc, besar: his ~ design was to gain a monopoly of the timber business, rancangan besarnya ialah utk memperoleh monopoli dlm perniagaan kayu; a lot of ~ ideas but no concrete results, banyak gagasan yg besar-besar tetapi tiada hasil yg konkrit; on a ~ scale, secara besar-besaran; 8. (colloq) great, wonderful, [various translations]: they had a ~ time, mereka sangat seronok; we had ~ weather for our holidays, cuaca baik sekali semasa kami bercuti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
egregious | adj (fml) flagrant, outstandingly bad, betul-betul; (of lie, mistake) besar: once again he displayed his ~ incompetence, sekali lagi dia menunjukkan bahawa dia betul-betul tdk cekap; Peter is an ~ ass, Peter betul-betul bodoh; Chamberlain’s most ~ mistake was to underrate Hitler’s ambition, kesilapan Chamberlain yg paling besar ialah memperkecil cita-cita Hitler; his claim to have the President’s ear is nothing but an ~ lie, dakwaannya bahawa Presiden mendengar cakapnya ialah bohong besar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gargantuan | adj (fml or liter.) of tremendous size, raksasa, gergasi; (of person) berbadan raksasa; (of appetite) besar; (of meal) banyak sekali: ~ ferns, pakis raksasa; a ~ breakfast, sarapan pagi yg banyak sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dazzle | n 1. (of direct light) cahaya yg menyilaukan mata: it is difficult to see in the ~ of high beam headlights, sukar sekali utk melihat dlm cahaya lampu besar yg menyilaukan mata; 2. (of reflected light, gem, etc) kilauan: the ~ on the water prevented us from seeing the reef ahead, kilauan permukaan air itu menyebabkan kami tdk dapat melihat terumbu di hadapan; the ~ of diamonds, kilauan berlian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draught | n 1. current of air coming into a room etc, angin (sejuk): they shut the door to keep the ~ from coming in, mereka menutup pintu supaya angin tdk dapat masuk; 2. continuous process of swallowing (liquid) meminum, menggogok; at a ~, sekali gogok: he could drink a tall glass of beer at a ~, dia boleh menghabiskan segelas besar bir sekali gogok; take a ~, meminum, menggogok; 3. portion of liquid to be swallowed, [not translated]: he gave the horse a ~ of water, dia memberi kuda itu air; 4. (fml or old-fashioned) dose of liquid medicine, ubat; 5. (naut) drauf; 6. (in pl), (game) permainan dam; 7. one of the flat discs used in this game, buah dam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ out, a. alight, turun: several passengers got out at the next stop, beberapa orang penumpang turun di perhentian berikutnya; b. leave, go away from, keluar: ~ out!, keluar!; he hardly ever ~s out now, sekarang dia jarang sekali keluar; let’s ~ out of here! The headmaster’s coming!, mari kita keluar dr sini! Guru besar datang!; c. escape, terlepas; (of criminal, mental patient, etc) lepas lari, /melepaskan, melarikan/ diri; (gas, fume, water, etc) keluar: the bull got out last night, lembu jantan itu terlepas malam tadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assemble | vt 1. bring (persons) together in one place, (act.) mengumpulkan, menghimpunkan; (pass.) berkumpul, berhimpun: he ~d the pupils in the hall, dia mengumpulkan murid-murid itu di dewan; to ~ a large army, mengumpulkan angkatan tentera yg besar; they were all ~d in the foyer, mereka semua berkumpul di ruang legar; 2. bring (things) together in an orderly way, (act.) mengumpulkan; (pass.) terkumpul, terhimpun: to ~ data, mengumpulkan data; 3. fit together the parts of, memasang: he ~d the bookcase with great care, dia memasang almari buku itu dgn teliti sekali; cars ~d in Malaysia, kereta yg dipasang di Malaysia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |