grand | a ~ wedding, majlis perkahwinan besar-besaran; a ~ procession, perarakan besar-besaran; in ~ style, dgn cara yg mewah: they lived in ~ style, mereka hidup dgn cara yg mewah; make a ~ /entrance, exit/, /masuk, keluar/ dgn hebatnya; 3. rich and sumptuous, indah-indah: ~ furnishings, perabot yg indah-indah; she needed ~ clothes to go to these parties, dia memerlukan pakaian yg indah-indah utk menghadiri majlis-majlis ini; 4. socially superior, distinguished, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
large-scale | adj 1. of wide scope, extensive, besar-besaran: ~ business operations, operasi perniagaan besar-besaran; 2. (of map, plan, etc) skala besar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carnage | n pembunuhan /beramai-ramai, secara besar-besaran/: the ~ of war, pembunuhan beramai-ramai dlm peperangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
battle royal | n 1. battle involving several combatants, /pertempuran, pertarungan/ besar-besaran; 2. violent argument, /perdebatan, pertengkaran/ /hangat, berapi-api/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emancipate | vt membebaskan; (slaves) memerdekakan: education has ~d the people from the bonds of poverty, pendidikan telah membebaskan rakyat drpd belenggu kemiskinan; a great movement to ~ women, gerakan besar-besaran utk membebaskan kaum wanita; Abraham Lincoln wanted to ~ the slaves, Abraham Lincoln mahu memerdekakan hamba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
big | ~ brother, abang; ~ sister, kakak; ~ toe, ibu jari kaki; be ~ with child, sarat (mengandung); have a ~ heart, pemurah dan baik hati; in a ~ way, secara besar-besaran; be too ~ for o’s /boots, breeches/, besar kepala; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grand | 7. ambitious or lofty in conception, treatment, etc, besar: his ~ design was to gain a monopoly of the timber business, rancangan besarnya ialah utk memperoleh monopoli dlm perniagaan kayu; a lot of ~ ideas but no concrete results, banyak gagasan yg besar-besar tetapi tiada hasil yg konkrit; on a ~ scale, secara besar-besaran; 8. (colloq) great, wonderful, [various translations]: they had a ~ time, mereka sangat seronok; we had ~ weather for our holidays, cuaca baik sekali semasa kami bercuti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buildup | n 1. progressive increase in size etc, a. (of clouds, dust) makin membangun; b. (of troops) pembesaran; c. (of traffic) makin /berjejal-jejal, sesak/; d. (of pressure) bertambahnya, meningkatnya; e. (of steam, heat) bertambahnya: the ~ of heat in the engine, bertambahnya haba dlm enjin itu; f. (of weapons etc) pertambahan, bertambahnya; g. (of tension, excitement, etc) meningkatnya; 2. favourable extravagant publicity, publisiti (besar-besaran): despite the tremendous ~, he lost to his opponent, walaupun mendapat publisiti besar-besaran, dia kalah di tangan lawannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
escalate | vi menjadi bertambah + approp adj; (into st) bertambah + approp adj: the prices of essential commodities have ~d rapidly, harga barang-barang keperluan menjadi bertambah tinggi dgn cepatnya; the conflict has ~d into a full-scale war, persengketaan itu bertambah buruk hingga menjadi perang besar-besaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
archetype | n 1. typical example, specimen, contoh tipikal: he was the ~ of a businessman, dia contoh tipikal seorang peniaga; 2. prototype, arketip: the Ford Model T is the ~ of mass-produced cars, Ford Model T ialah arketip kereta-kereta yang dikeluarkan secara besar-besaran; 3. (psychol) arketip; 4. recurrent symbol, motive, in literature, etc, tipa induk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |