enormity | n 1. magnitude, besarnya: we did not realize the ~ of the problem, kami tdk menyedari betapa besarnya masalah itu; 2. great wickedness, kejamnya:do you understand the ~ of your crime?, adakah kamu faham betapa kejamnya jenayah yg telah kamu lakukan?; 3. (fml) terrible crime, perbuatan dahsyat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chiefly | adv 1. principally, terutamanya: the country exports minerals, ~ tin, negara itu mengeksport galian, terutamanya bijih timah; 2. for the most part, sebahagian besarnya: this substance is ~ made up of carbon, bahan ini sebahagian besarnya terdiri drpd karbon. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bulk | n 1. largeness of mass, size, etc, besarnya, besar: the crate was difficult to store because of its ~, tong itu sukar disimpan krn besar; 2. large mass (of st) besar: he looked with awe at the dark ~ of the mountain, dia memandang gunung yg besar dan gelap itu dgn rasa kagum; 3. body (usu fat or large) badan (yg gemuk, besar): he heaved his great ~ up from the chair, dia mengangkat badannya yg gemuk itu dr kerusi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extent | to /a certain, some/ ~, setakat tertentu; to a great ~, sebahagian besarnya; to such an ~ that, sedemikian rupa sehinggakan; to the ~ of, (a certain amount), /hingga, sampai/ sebanyak; to what ~, setakat mana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
astonish | vt (act.), (sangat) menghairankan, (sangat) hairan; (pass), (sangat) hairan: the size of the animal ~ ed the child, besarnya binatang tersebut sangat menghairankan anak itu; he ~ed his audience with his skill, para penonton sangat hairan akan kemahirannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boast | n 1. bragging statement, cakap /besar, berdegar-degar/: all his ~s were without foundation, semua cakap besarnya tdk berasas; 2. reason for pride, kemegahan, kebanggaan: the city’s ~ is its beautiful harbour, kemegahan bandar raya itu ialah pelabuhannya yg indah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
awed | adj berasa kagum: the children were ~d at the size of the pyramid, kanak-kanak itu berasa kagum melihat betapa besarnya piramid tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grand | 7. ambitious or lofty in conception, treatment, etc, besar: his ~ design was to gain a monopoly of the timber business, rancangan besarnya ialah utk memperoleh monopoli dlm perniagaan kayu; a lot of ~ ideas but no concrete results, banyak gagasan yg besar-besar tetapi tiada hasil yg konkrit; on a ~ scale, secara besar-besaran; 8. (colloq) great, wonderful, [various translations]: they had a ~ time, mereka sangat seronok; we had ~ weather for our holidays, cuaca baik sekali semasa kami bercuti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extra | adv 1. more than usual, especially, lebih drpd biasa: this is ~ fine quality paper, mutu kertas ini lebih baik drpd biasa; he bought an ~ large saucepan, dia membeli periuk yg besarnya lebih drpd biasa; we arrived ~ late for work, kami tiba di pejabat lebih lewat drpd biasa; he is ~ generous today, dia lebih murah hati drpd biasa hari ini; 2. more than the normal amount, lebih: you must pay ~ for a private bathroom, kamu mesti membayar lebih utk mendapat bilik air persendirian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
largely | adv [various translations]: we are late, ~ because we spent so much time at our friends’ house, sebab utama kami lewat krn kami terlalu lama di rumah kawan; later developments ~ show that his prognosis was right, perkembangan terbaru menunjukkan bahawa telahannya betul; the failure of the mission was ~ due to poor planning, kegagalan misi itu sebahagian besarnya disebabkan oleh perancangan yg kurang baik; the population is found ~ in the coastal areas, sebahagian besar penduduk terdapat di kawasan pinggir laut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |