beset | vt1. harass, trouble, melanda: doubts and fears that ~ him, kesangsian dan kebimbangan yg melandanya; a plan ~ with difficulties, rancangan yg dilanda kesulitan; 2. attack from all sides, menyerang [sst] dr segenap penjuru: enemy troops ~ the fort, tentera musuh menyerang kubu itu dr segenap penjuru; the travellers were suddenly ~ by robbers, pengembara-pengembara itu tiba-tiba diserang perompak dr segenap penjuru; ~ st with, (archaic) stud st (esp with jewels), (act.) menatah sst dgn; (pass.) [sst] bertatahkan: a crown ~ with jewels, mahkota yg bertatahkan permata. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fact | apart from the ~ that, selain: apart from the ~ that there was economic recession, the company was also beset by internal problems, selain berlakunya kemelesetan ekonomi, syarikat itu juga menghadapi masalah dalaman; as a matter of ~, in (point of) ~, a. in reality, (yg) sebenarnya: he was not at home, as a matter of ~ he was with me all the time, dia tdk ada di rumah, sebenarnya dia berada bersama-sama saya sepanjang waktu itu; b. indeed, malahan, bahkan: the company hasn’t done well, as a matter of ~ it will wind up soon, syarikat itu tdk berjalan lancar, malahan syarikat itu akan ditutup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embattled | adj 1. in battle array, bersedia utk bertempur: ~ forces awaiting the dawn, angkatan tentera yg bersedia utk bertempur sedang menunggu waktu subuh; 2. fortified, berkubu; 3. beleaguered, dikepung musuh; 4. beset by problems, dilanda masalah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assail | vt 1. attack (with blows or words) menyerang: three thugs ~ed him in the dark, tiga orang samseng menyerangnya dlm gelap; to ~ so. with harsh words, menyerang sso dgn kata-kata kesat; 2. overwhelm (with questions, etc) menghujani: as soon as he came out of the court-house he was ~ed with questions, sebaik sahaja dia keluar dari mahkamah dia dihujani soalan; 3. beset, disturb, melanda, menyerang: to be ~ed by doubts, dilanda kesangsian; 4. encounter with intention of overcoming, mastering, a. (problems, difficulty) mencuba menyelesaikan: to ~ a problem, mencuba menyelesaikan masalah; b. (task etc) melakukan: he ~ed the task with vigour, dia melakukan kerja itu dgn penuh semangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |