blind | n 1. screen for windows etc, bidai, kerai: to pull down a ~, menurunkan bidai; 2. cover, deception, topeng: the jewellery business was only a ~ for their illicit activities, perniagaan barang kemas itu hanya sbg topeng bagi kegiatan-kegiatan haram mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | 4. also ~ down, pull down, menurunkan: she drew the blinds and turned on the light, dia menurunkan bidai dan memasang lampu; 5. also ~ out, pull out, mencabut; (kris, sword, etc) menghunus, mencabut: he drew the cork and poured our drink, dia mencabut gabus itu dan menuang minuman kami; the dentist drew two teeth, doktor gigi itu mencabut dua batang gigi; the knight drew his sword with lightning speed, kesateria itu menghunus pedangnya secepat kilat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
down1 | adv 1. (indic a low or lower than usual level) a. (gen), [no specif translation]: what’s going on ~ there?, apa yg berlaku di bawah sana?; he is ~ in the basement, dia berada di tingkat bawah tanah; ~ at the bottom of the lake, nun jauh di dasar tasik; the blinds are ~, bidai itu telah diturunkan; b. downstairs, sudah turun: it’s still very early, so no one is ~ yet, masih terlalu awal, jadi tdk ada sesiapa yg sudah turun; c. below the horizon, (telah) /jatuh, terbenam/: the sun is ~, matahari telah terbenam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |