law | b. (colloq), (as if with authority) bercakap macam /bijak pandai, tahu benar/: he lays down the ~ on subjects he knows nothing about, dia bercakap macam tahu benar ttg perkara yg langsung tdk diketahuinya; possession is nine points of the ~, berhak, mempunyai hak; (so’s) word is ~, perintah: around here, her word is ~, di tempat ini, kata-katanya ialah perintah; take the ~ into o’s own hands, bertindak /sesuka hati, sewenang-wenang/: no one is entitled to take the ~ into his own hands, tdk seorang pun boleh bertindak sesuka hati; the (long) arm of the ~, (humourous) polis: you can’t escape the long arm of the ~, kamu tdk boleh lari dr polis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intelligentsia | n; usu the ~, cendekiawan, kaum intelektual, golongan /bijak pandai, cerdik pandai/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discriminating | adj 1. distinguishing, membezakan: the ~ mark of the species, tanda yg membezakan spesies itu; 2. discerning, arif, bijak, pandai menilai: ~ buyers, pembeli-pembeli yg arif. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brainy | adj cerdik, pandai, bijak, pintar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clever | adj 1. intelligent, pandai: a ~ student, seorang penuntut yg pandai; she is ~ at sums, dia pandai dlm kira-kira;2. skilful, pandai: ~ at embroidery, pandai menyulam; a ~ craftsman, seorang tukang yg pandai; 3. wise, bijak: a ~ decision, keputusan yg bijak; a ~ move, langkah yg bijak; 4. shrewd, pintar: he was too ~ for his opponent, dia terlalu pintar bagi lawannya; that was certainly ~ of him, pintar betul dia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
egghead | n (colloq ), (orang yg) /bijak, cerdik/ pandai, cendekiawan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
articulate | adj 1. able to express os clearly, fluently, pandai /bercakap, bertutur/, petah berkata-kata: a clever and ~ man, lelaki yg bijak dan pandai bercakap; he was not ~ enough to express his feelings, dia tdk begitu pandai bercakap utk melahirkan perasaannya; 2. having power of speech, dapat /bercakap, bertutur/; 3. distinct, clear, jelas, terang: his speech was not ~, pertuturannya tdk jelas; 4. (biol) artikulat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brain | have a good ~, cerdik, bijak, pintar; have (got) ~s, cerdik, bijak; have not much ~, tdk berapa /cerdik, bijak/; have /so., st/ on the ~, asyik berfikir ttg /sso, sst/; (song, tune, etc ), /terngiang(-ngiang), mengiang/ di kepalanya: he has money on the ~, dia asyik berfikir ttg wang; have the ~s /for st, to do st/, cukup pandai utk /sst, membuat sst/: does he have the ~s for the job?, adakah dia cukup pandai utk membuat kerja itu?; the ~s, a. mastermind, dalang: she was the ~s behind the robbery, dialah dalang perompakan itu; b. cleverest person in a group, orang yg paling /cerdik, bijak/; c. one who plans and organizes an undertaking, (orang yg) /merancang, merencanakan/: who was the ~s behind the dinner party?, siapakah yg merancang majlis makan malam itu?; the best ~s, cendekiawan, cerdik pandai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intelligent | adj 1. having intelligence, cerdas; (to a high degree) cerdik, tajam akal; (of animal) cerdik, pandai: the dolphin is said to be an ~ animal, ikan lumba-lumba dikatakan sbg binatang yg cerdik; are there ~ life forms on Mars?, adakah terdapat makhluk-makhluk yg cerdas di planet Marikh?; an ~ boy, budak yg cerdik; 2. showing, reflecting intelligence, bijak; (of face, expression) cerdik: an ~ answer, jawapan yg bijak; he has an ~ face, dr mukanya, kita tahu dia cerdik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |