indiscretion | n 1. lack of discretion, kurang /hemat, hati-hati/, tdk bijaksana; 2. indiscreet act, behaviour, /perbuatan, tingkah laku/ yg tdk bijaksana: one unfortunate ~ had jeopordized his whole career, krn melakukan perbuatan yg tdk bijaksana seluruh kerjayanya tergugat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indiscreet | adj (of person) kurang /hemat, hati-hati/, tdk bijaksana; (of behaviour) tdk bijaksana; (of remark, comment, etc), (dibuat secara) tdk hati-hati; (of affair) terang-terangan: I have never known her to be ~, setahu saya dia tdk berlaku kurang hemat; he made a number of ~ remarks about the incident, dia membuat beberapa komen yg tdk hati-hati ttg peristiwa tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear-sighted | adj 1. terang penglihatan; 2. (fig.) bijaksana: a ~ man, orang yg bijaksana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discreet | adj 1. prudent, cautious, tdk menimbulkan syak, berhati-hati; (of person) bijaksana: ~ enquiries, pertanyaan yg berhati-hati; a ~ secretary, setiausaha yg bijaksana; 2. not too obvious, tdk menonjol: ~ elegance, keanggunan yg tdk menonjol. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delicacy | 5. quality of being easily injured, bruised, torn, etc, mudah rosak; 6. accuracy, precision, sensitivity (of instrument etc) kepekaan; 7. need for skilful or careful treatment, handling, etc, perlu dikendalikan dgn bijaksana: a topic of some ~, tajuk yg perlu dikendalikan dgn bijaksana; with ~, dgn bijaksana: the meeting must be handled with great ~, pertemuan itu harus dikendalikan dgn bijaksana; 8. fineness of feeling, kesenian, seni: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elegant | 2. cleverly simple, neat, a. (of method) bijak, bijaksana; b. (of result) rapi: his description of this little known language is economical, ~ and scholarly, bahasa yg hampir tdk terkenal ini dihuraikannya secara padat, rapi dan ilmiah; 3. (loosely) attractive, menarik, cantik: come and inspect our range of ~ furniture, datanglah melihat sendiri perabot-perabot kami yg menarik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
budget | vt plan the use of, merancang; (money) merancang + approp n: sensible people ~ their time, orang yg bijaksana merancang waktu mereka; she does not know how to ~ her income, dia tdk tahu merancang perbelanjaan pendapatannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delicate | 8. (of smell) lembut: a ~ aroma, bau yg lembut; 9. extremely accurate, precise, sensitive, peka: ~ instruments, alat-alat yg peka; 10. requiring skilful or careful treatment, handling, etc, a. (of surgery, test, etc) rumit (pengendaliannya): a ~ eye operation, pembedahan mata yg rumit pengendaliannya; ~ tests, ujian-ujian yg rumit pengendaliannya; b. (of situation, subject, relationship, etc) perlu dikendalikan dgn bijaksana: a ~ affair, perkara yg perlu dikendalikan dgn bijaksana; the ~ balance of power, imbangan kuasa yg perlu dikendalikan dgn bijaksana; ~ diplomatic relationships, hubungan diplomatik yg perlu dikendalikan dgn bijaksana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infinite | adj 1. limitless, boundless, tdk /terhad, terbatas/: ~ space, ruang angkasa yg tdk terhad; in tropical rain forests, there is an ~ variety of plants, dlm hutan hujan tropika terdapat kepelbagaian jenis pokok yg tdk terbatas; 2. very great, sangat, amat: she took ~ trouble over the meal, dia amat bersusah payah menyediakan makanan itu; a man of ~ wealth, orang yg sangat kaya; her patience was ~, dia sangat sabar; 3. absolute, tdk /terbatas, terhad/; (in Islam) Maha: God’s ~ wisdom, kebijaksanaan Tuhan yg tdk terbatas or Tuhan yg Maha Bijaksana; the ~ mercy of God, Tuhan yg Maha Pengampun; 4. (math) tak terhingga: ~ series, siri tak terhingga; ~ gradient, cerun tak terhingga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |