floor | vt 1. construct a floor in, melantai: they have ~ed the rooms with teak, mereka telah melantai bilik-bilik itu dgn kayu jati; 2. knock to the floor, menumbangkan, menjatuhkan, merebahkan: he ~ed his opponent with one blow, dia menumbangkan lawannya dgn satu tumbukan; 3. (colloq) bewilder, (act.) membingungkan; (pass.) bingung, kebingungan: the question ~ed him, pertanyaan itu membingungkannya; I’m completely ~ed, saya betul-betul bingung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bedroom | n bilik tidur: ~ furniture, perabot bilik tidur; a ~ scene, babak bilik tidur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
curtain | ~ off, separate with curtain, menabiri, menyekat dgn /tabir, tirai/: they ~ed off a part of the room and turned it into a dressing-room, mereka menabiri sebahagian bilik itu dan menjadikannya bilik bersalin pakaian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bathroom | n 1. room containing bath, bilik /mandi, air/; 2. (euphem) lavatory, bilik air. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apartment | n 1. single room in a building, bilik; 2. (in pl) suite of rooms, bilik kediaman; the royal ~s, istana puri; 3. flat, pangsapuri; ~ /house, building/, rumah pangsa, pangsapuri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grand | ~ girl, Susan, Susan tu istimewa betul; 9. complete, full, [various translations]: ~ total, jumlah besar; the ~ result of their efforts, hasil keseluruhan usaha mereka; a ~ orchestra, orkestra lengkap; 10. (of person) admirable, noble, fine, dihormati: a ~ old man, orang tua yg dihormati; 11. main, principal, utama: the ~ ballroom, dewan tari-menari utama; the ~ staircase leading to the bedrooms, tangga utama menuju ke bilik-bilik tidur; 12. of great importance, penting; (of mistake) besar: the ~ decision we have to make, keputusan penting yg mesti kita buat; it was the ~ moment of his life, itulah saat penting dlm hidupnya; 13. (used in names of places, buildings, etc), [not translated]: the G~ Canyon, Grand Canyon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accommodate | vt 1. adjust, adapt, menyesuaikan: to ~ o’s views to those of o’s colleagues, menyesuaikan pandangan sso dgn pandangan rakan sejawat; to ~ os to new circumstances, menyesuaikan diri (sso) dgn keadaan baru; 2. a. provide (guest) esp with lodging, memberikan penginapan kpd: the hotel can ~ all the participants, hotel itu dapat memberikan penginapan kpd semua peserta; b. put into ( room(s) etc) menempatkan: the inmates are ~d in clean rooms, penghuni-penghuni itu ditempatkan di bilik-bilik yg bersih; 3. have space for, muat: a lift that can ~ twelve people, lif yg muat dua belas orang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
airines | n 1. breeziness, keadaan [sst] yg berangin: the ~ of the room makes it perfect for a children’s nursery, keadaan bilik yg berangin itu menjadikannya amat sesuai sbg bilik asuhan; 2. liveliness, gaiety, keriangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bright | 3. full of light, terang-benderang: the room was ~ with sunshine, bilik itu terang-benderang disinari matahari; 4. (of colour) vivid, terang: a ~ red dress, baju merah terang; the room was adorned with ~ flowers, bilik itu dihiasi bunga-bunga berwarna terang; 5. (of voice) distinct and clear, jelas, terang; 6. (of eyes) bersinar; 7. radiant, berseri: her face was ~ with happiness, mukanya berseri krn gembira; 8. happy, cheerful, riang, ria, gembira: a ~, friendly girl, gadis yg riang dan ramah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guardroom | n /bilik, rumah/ pengawal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |