Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : ruang tempat mandi (membuang air, membasuh dll); (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
mandi (kata kerja)
Bersinonim dengan bersiram, berendam, berkubang, berenang;,
Kata Terbitan : bermandikan, memandikan, permandian,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

sauna2. (room) bilik mandi sauna: they added a ~ to the house, mereka menambahkan bilik mandi sauna pd rumah mereka.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
shower while she was in the ~ the doorbell rang, loceng pintu berbunyi semasa dia dlm bilik mandi hujan; ~ curtain, langsir bilik mandi hujan; ~ cap, topi mandi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fixturen 1. thing fixed in position, lekapan: bathroom ~s, lekapan-lekapan bilik mandi; 2. a. sporting event for which the date has been fixed, perlawanan; (race) perlumbaan: a list of motor racing ~s, senarai perlumbaan kereta; b. date appointed for match, race, tarikh /perlawanan, perlumbaan/; 3. (colloq) person, thing regarded as fixed in a place, penunggu: he has become a ~ at the university, dia menjadi penunggu di universiti itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
do~ over, a. redecorate, menghias semula; (by painting) mengecat semula: the bathroom needs ~ing over, bilik mandi ini perlu dicat semula; b. (US) make again, membuat semula; c. (sl) attack severely, menghentam, membelasah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sloppy2. covered with water that has spilled, lecah, lecak: he left the bathroom floor ~, dia meninggalkan lantai bilik mandi itu lecah; she mopped the kitchen floor, dia mengelap lantai dapur yg lecah itu; 3. watery and unappetizing, cair loler: a ~ stew of fish and vegetables, hidangan masakan stew ikan dan sayur yg cair loler;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fittingn 1. (usu in pl) accessory, aksesori: a bathroom with gold-plated ~s, bilik mandi yg mempunyai aksesori bersalut emas; 2. (in pl) movable furnishings, kelengkapan: office ~s, kelengkapan pejabat; 3. occasion when clothes are fitted, menyedang + approp n: can you come for a ~ next week?, bolehkah saudari datang utk meyedang baju pengantin minggu depan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jobI had a ~ looking for my contact lens in the bathroom this morning, teruk juga saya mencari kanta sentuh saya di dlm bilik mandi pagi tadi; it’s just the ~, (colloq), /inilah, itulah/ yg sso mahu: thank you for lending me the saw, it was just the ~, terima kasih krn meminjami saya gergaji itu, itulah yg saya mahu; make a /good, bad/ ~ of st, /approp v, tdk + approp v/ dgn baik: he has made a good ~ of painting the house, dia telah mengecat rumah itu dgn baik; nine-to-five ~, kerja diKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bathroomn 1. room containing bath, bilik /mandi, air/; 2. (euphem) lavatory, bilik air.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
shirkstop ~ing – you know very well it’s your turn to clean the bathroom, jangan mengelak – kamu memang tahu ini giliran kamu utk mencuci bilik mandi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
plug3. (colloq) socket point, soket: we have to put a ~ in the bathroom for shaving, kita terpaksa memasang soket dlm bilik mandi utk bercukur; 4. also spark-plug palam pencucuh; 5. (colloq) favourable recommendation for commercial product, promosi: the disc jockey put in a ~ for the record, joki disko itu membuat promosi piring hitam tersebut; 6. cake of pressed twisted tobacco used for chewing, songel, sugi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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