casing | n 1. enclosing frame, bingkai: an iron ~, bingkai besi; 2. protective covering, selongsong: rubber ~ of wires, selongsong wayar drpd getah; 3. outer layer, skin, kulit: the ~ of sausages, kulit sosej; 4. opening, pocket for insertion of rod, string, etc, kasing, perumah: elastic ~, kasing getah cerut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frame | n 1. case, border enclosing picture, door, etc, bingkai: the thieves clumsily cut the picture out of the ~, pencuri-pencuri itu dgn cemerkap menggunting gambar-gambar dr bingkainya; a window ~, bingkai tingkap; a pair of spectacles with metal ~s, kaca mata berbingkai logam; 2. skeleton (of building, ship, etc) rangka: the ~ of the building is already finished, rangka bangunan itu sudah siap; the car has a strong ~, rangka kereta itu kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carve | vt 1. cut into portions, memotong; (into thin slices) menghiris: to ~ a roast chicken, memotong daging ayam panggang; 2. fashion by cutting, chiselling, etc, mengukir: to ~ a block of wood into a bird, mengukir sebongkah kayu utk dijadikan seekor burung; to ~ floral patterns on a window frame, mengukir corak bunga-bungaan pd bingkai tingkap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anchored | adj 1. at anchor, berlabuh: on any day there are at least twenty ships ~ here, pd sst hari terdapat sekurang-kurangnya dua puluh kapal yg berlabuh di sini; 2. firmly fixed, [various translations]: throughout the evening his attention remained ~ on his grandson, sepanjang malam pandangannya terpaku pd cucu lelakinya; the door frames were well ~ed into the wall, bingkai pintu terpasang dgn kukuhnya pd dinding. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
around | prep 1. on every side or most sides of, di (se)keliling: a racecourse with stands ~ it, balapan lumba kuda dgn tangga kambing di sekelilingnya; 2. on, along the outer edge of, a. (so as to encircle, surround) di (se)keliling: several people seated ~ the table looked away in embarrassment, beberapa orang yg duduk di sekeliling meja itu memalingkan muka krn malu; he drew a circle ~ the triangle, dia melukis bulatan di sekeliling segi tiga itu; b. (so as to come into contact with) di; (foll verb) pada: the brightly coloured scarf ~ her waist added interest to her plain outfit, selendang yg berwarna terang di pinggangnya menyerikan pakaiannya yg sederhana itu; to put decorations ~ the window, membubuh perhiasan pada bingkai tingkap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | ~ in, a. mengempiskan: I have to wear a corset to ~ my stomach in, saya terpaksa memakai korset utk mengempiskan perut saya; b. (fig.) menahan, mengawal: he could no longer ~ in his feelings, dia tdk boleh lagi menahan perasaannya; ~ so. in o’s arms, a. carry in o’s arms, mendukung: she held the baby in her arms, dia mendukung bayi itu; b. embrace so., memeluk sso; ~ in o’s head, mengingat: I can’t ~ all these formulas in my head, saya tdk dapat mengingat semua formula ini; ~ os in readiness, bersiap sedia; ~ /so., st/ in awe, gerun dan kagum thdp /sso, sst/; ~ in place, [various translations]: the cloth is held in place by a hoop, kain itu diregangkan dgn pemidang; the frame is held in place by a hook, bingkai itu dipasang dgn cangkuk; ~ in reserve, menyimpan; (mil) mengekhaskan [sso, sst] sbg tentera simpanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |