break | ~ out /in, into/ /spots, a rash/, keluar /bintik-bintik, ruam/: if she eats lobster she ~s out in a rash, kalau makan udang karang, dia keluar ruam; her hands broke out into spots, tangannya keluar bintik-bintik; ~ out /in, into/ a sweat, mula /berpeluh, berkeringat/: his forehead broke out into a sweat, dahinya mula berpeluh; ~ out into /laughter, cheering, etc/, tiba-tiba /tertawa, bersorak, dll/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intersperse | vt (usu pass.) 1. scatter, set here and there, terdapat di sana sini: there were tiny white dots ~d in the pattern, terdapat bintik-bintik putih pd corak itu; rows of coconut palms ~d with cocoa trees, pokok koko terdapat di sana sini dlm deretan pohon kelapa; the report was ~d with references, terdapat beberapa banyak rujukan di sana sini dlm laporan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infectious | adj 1. (of disease) berjangkit; 2. liable to infect, a. (of person) boleh menjangkitkan penyakit: he will be ~ as long as the spots last, dia boleh menjangkitkan penyakit itu selagi bintik-bintik masih ada; b. (of thing) boleh menjangkitkan penyakit sso: anything he has touched will be ~, apa saja yg dipegangnya boleh menjangkitkan penyakitnya; 3. (fig.) berjangkit-jangkit: yawning is ~, menguap boleh berjangkit-jangkit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
erupt | 4. burst out, meledak: laughter ~ed in the room, gelak ketawa meledak di bilik itu; 5. a. (of rash, spot, etc) appear, tumbuh dgn banyak(nya): pimples ~ed all over her face, jerawat tumbuh dgn banyak di seluruh mukanya;b. (of part of person’s body) become suddenly covered (in spots, pimples, etc) naik: her face ~ed in tiny red spots, mukanya naik bintik-bintik merah yg kecil; 6. (of tooth) keluar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fleck | n 1. very small spot, bintik; (of light) tompok: the material was white with ~s of red, kain itu berwarna putih dan berbintik-bintik merah; ~s of sunlight dappled the grass, rumput di situ bertelau dgn tompok cahaya matahari; 2. small particle, speck, habuk: he brushed some ~s of dandruff from his coat, dia menguis habuk-habuk kelemumur dr kotnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appear | vi 1. become visible, a. (suddenly) muncul; (of spiritual, supernatural being) menjelma; (of star) terbit; (of rash) timbul: a masked man ~ed in the doorway, seorang lelaki bertopeng muncul di pintu; the devil ~ed before him in the guise of a tiger, hantu itu menjelma di hadapannya dlm bentuk seekor harimau; stars ~ing one by one, bintang terbit satu demi satu; as soon as spots ~ed, the patient’s temperature started to fall, sebaik sahaja bintik-bintik timbul, suhu badan pesakit itu pun turun; b. (slowly) kelihatan: the clouds rolled away and the sun ~ed, awan berarak dan matahari pun kelihatan; they could hear the train long before it ~ed, mereka terdengar akan bunyi kereta api itu lama sebelum kereta api itu kelihatan; the reef only ~s when the tide is low, terumbu karang kelihatan hanya apabila air surut; a smile ~ed on his lips, dia kelihatan tersenyum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fleck | vt (usu pass.) a. mark with very small spots of, berbintik-bintik: her eyes were grey ~ ed with green, matanya berwarna kelabu berbintik-bintik hijau; b. mark with small patches of, bertompok-tompok: small clouds ~ed the sky, kepul-kepul awan bertompok-tompok di langit | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flick1 | vt 1. press (switch etc) sharply, memetik: he ~ed all the switches as he left the room, dia memetik semua suis semasa hendak keluar dr bilik itu; 2. strike, remove, etc with rapid blow, a. (with finger or thumb) menjentik(-jentik): he sat there ~ing ash onto the carpet, dia duduk-duduk saja dan menjentik abu rokok di atas permaidani; b. (with hand) mengibas(-ngibas); (tears, sweat) menyapu(-nyapu) (dgn cepat): Edith ~ed the dandruff from George’s jacket, Edith mengibas-ngibas kelemumur dr jaket George; he ~ed away the beads of sweat from his forehead, dia menyapu bintik-bintik peluh dr dahinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blackhead | n black-topped pimple bintik hitam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grainy | adj (photograph) berbintik(-bintik). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |