Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : sj tumbuhan (sj ubi); ~ gula bit putih yg dibuat gula; ~ merah sj bit merah yg dibuat sayur. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

Definisi : , = ~ gula nama sj tumbuh-tumbuhan yg ubinya dpt dibuat gula, Beta vulgaris. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata bit I

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

bit3<i>n (computer technology)i> bit.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bit2<i>vti> 1. <i>put bit into mouth of horse,i> memasang /kekang, lagam/ pd mulut [kuda]; 2. <i>curb,i> mengekang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bite<i>vti> 1. <i>seize or attack with the teeth, sting, etc,i> menggigit; <i>(accidentally)i> tergigit; <i>(of snake)i> mematuk, menggigit: <i>the dog bit the postman,i> anjing menggigit posmen itu; <i>the mosquito bit him on the arm,i> nyamuk menggigit lengannya; <i>she is biting her nails,i> dia sedang menggigit kukunya; <i>I bit my tongue,i> saya tergigit lidah; 2. <i>cause to smart,i> a. <i>(of wind etc),i> /menusuk, menggigit/ ke: <i>the cold wind bit our faces,i> angin sejuk menusuk-nusuk ke muka kami; b. <i>(of food, drink), [various translations]: pepper ~s the tongue,i> lada sulah memedaskan lidah; 3. <i>corrode,i> memakan: <i>acid ~s metal,i> asid memakan logam; 4. <i>take firm hold of, grip,i> mencengkam: <i>we need a clamp to ~ the wood,i> kami memerlukan pengapit utk mencengkam kayu itu; 5. <i>(sl), (usu in pass.) deceive,i> terpedaya: <i>she got bitten in a mail-order swindle,i> dia terpedaya dlm penipuan pesanan melalui pos;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bit14. <i>(colloq) somewhat,i> sikit, agak: <i>the sauce is a ~ thick,i> sos itu agak pekat; <i>she felt a ~ better after a rest,i> dia berasa sihat sikit selepas berehat; <i>she looked a ~ sad,i> dia kelihatan agak sedih; 5. <i>(colloq) see BIT PART;i>Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bit part<i>ni> peranan kecil.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bit4<i>pt ofi> BITE.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bit2/take, have, get/ the ~ between o’s teeth,i>(fig.)i> asyik /dgn, membuat/ sst: <i>when he gets the ~ between his teeth, no one can make him stop,i> apabila dia asyik dgn pekerjaannya, tiada sesiapa pun yg dapat membuatnya berhenti;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bit2<i>ni> 1. <i>mouthpiece of the bridle,i> kekang, lagam; 2. <i>boring-piece of drill,i> mata gerudi; 3. <i>blade of plane,i> mata ketam; 4. <i>nipping-part of pincers,i> mata ragum; 5. <i>part of key that engages with lock-lever,i> gigi kunci;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bit1~ by ~, sedikit-sedikit, sedikit demi sedikit; ~s and bobs, ~s and pieces, keropas-kerapis; a ~ at a time, sedikit-sedikit, sedikit demi sedikit; a ~ of a, <i>rather,i> agak, boleh dikatakan: <i>he’s a ~ of a coward,i> dia itu agak pengecut; a ~ of all right, <i>(sl), (of person)i> menarik; a ~ on the side, <i>(colloq)i> makan luar; do o’s ~, memberi sumbangan; every ~ as, benar-benar sama... spt, benar-benar se-[+ <i>approp adj]: she is every ~ as pretty as her sister,i> dia benar-benar secantik kakaknya or dia benar-benar sama cantik spt kakaknya; for a ~, <i>seei> WHILE (for a while); not a ~ (of it) tdk sedikit pun; take a ~ of, <i>take a considerable amount of,i> mesti berani sedikit: <i>it takes a ~ of courage to address a large audience,i> mesti berani sedikit utk berucap di hadapan hadirin yg ramai; thrilled to ~s, <i>(colloq),i> /seronok, suka/ sangat; to ~s, sehingga berkecai.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bit1<i>ni> 1. <i>small quantity, amount, portion, a little,i> sedikit: <i>a ~ of pudding,i> sedikit puding; <i>to put away a ~ (of money) every month,i> menyimpan (wang) sedikit setiap bulan; <i>she hasn’t changed a ~,i> dia tdk berubah sedikit pun; <i>to give so. a ~ of advice,i> memberi sso sedikit nasihat; 2. <i>piece,i> a. <i>(gen)i> cebis(an) (+ <i>approp n): ~s of paper,i> cebisan-cebisan kertas; <i>~s of wood,i> cebis-cebis kayu; <i>interesting ~s in the newspaper,i> cebisan-cebisan berita yg menarik dlm akhbar; b. <i>(as a result of being shattered)i> serpih(an): <i>~s of broken glass,i> serpihan-serpihan kaca; c. <i>(usu in pl), (leftover from st)i> reja, lebihan: <i>we can make a dish from the ~s of left over food,i> kita dapat membuat sejenis masakan drpd lebihan makanan itu; d. <i>(of land)i> selebar kangkang kera: <i>a house with a ~ of land,i> sebuah rumah dgn kawasan keliling yg selebar kangkang kera; 3. <i>(rel to time or distance)i> sedikit: <i>he must rest a ~ longer,i> dia mesti berehat lebih lama sedikit;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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