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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[blaus] | بلاءوس

Definisi : baju pendek wanita, panjangnya hingga ke pinggang atau lebih panjang lagi. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata blaus

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

blousen blaus.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
buttonvi berbutang: the blouse ~s at the front, blaus itu berbutang di depan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
georgetteadj & n (kain) georgette: a ~ blouse, blaus georgette.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
goharga lebih drpd $1,000; 16. blend, harmonize, cocok, sesuai, padan: this white blouse doesn’t ~ with my skirt, blaus putih ini tdk cocok dgn skirt saya; 17. be sent for consideration, dikemukakan: this issue will ~ direct to the board, isu ini akan dikemukakan langsung kpd pihak lembaga; 18. also ~ about, make a practice of, suka, selalu: don’t ~ spreading lies about us, jangan suka menyebarkan cerita-cerita palsu ttg kami; the gardener ~es about frightening children with his horror stories, tukang kebun selalu menakut-nakutkan budak-budak itu dgn cerita seramnya; 19. proceed, berjalan: the meeting went well, mesyuarat itu berjalan dgn lancar; 20. be, exist in certain condition, [not translated]: to ~ hungry, berlapar; to ~ unnoticed, tdk dihiraukan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
come8. be available, terdapat: shoes ~ in different sizes, kasut terdapat dlm saiz yg berbeza-beza; that blouse ~s in white only, blaus itu cuma terdapat dlm warna putih sahaja; toothpaste ~s in a tube, ubat gigi terdapat dlm bentuk tiub; 9. occur to the mind, [various translations]: the idea just came to me, saya baru mendapat idea itu; it suddenly came to her that she had been taken for a ride, dia tiba-tiba sedar bahawa dia telah ditipu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lacyadj 1. like lace, spt renda: ~ pattern, corak spt renda; 2. made of lace, dibuat drpd kain renda: a ~ white blouse, blaus putih yg dibuat drpd kain renda; 3. having a lot of lace sewn to it, berenda.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dainty 1adj 1. delicately beautiful, a. (of person) ayu, kecil molek; b. (of thing) cantik: a ~ blouse, sehelai blaus yg cantik; a ~ piece of furniture, perabot yg cantik; 2. easily broken, injured, mudah + approp v: ~ coffee cups, cawan kopi yg mudah pecah; the ~ stalk of the flower, tangkai bunga yg mudah patah; 3. fastidious, cerewet (ttg makanan), memilih makanan: some cats are ~ feeders, sesetengah kucing cerewet ttg makanan; 4. delicious, lazat, sedap, enak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dotn small round spot, titik; (appearing in large numbers on dress, leaf, etc) bintik: you have forgotten to put the ~ on the “j”, kamu terlupa membubuh titik pd huruf “j”; a ~ of red paint, setitik cat merah; she was wearing a red blouse with white ~s on it, dia memakai blaus merah yg berbintik putih; she watched until the ship became a mere ~ on the horizon, dia memperhatikan kapal itu sehingga menjadi satu titik di ufuk; on the ~, (colloq) tepat pd /masanya, waktunya/; (of specified time) tepat: we arrived on the ~, kita tiba tepat pd masanya; 8 o’clock on the ~, pukul 8 tepat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dumbadj 1. lacking power of speech, bisu: he has been ~ from birth, dia bisu sejak lahir lagi; 2. speechless, tergamam: the child stood, ~ and motionless, kanak-kanak itu berdiri terpaku dan tergaman; I was struck ~ with horror, saya tergamam ketakutan; 3. unwilling to speak, silent, membisu: we tried to make him talk but he remained ~, kami mencuba membuat dia bercakap, tetapi dia terus membisu; 4. (colloq & derog) stupid, dim, bodoh: that was a pretty ~ thing to do, perbuatan kamu tadi bodoh; 5. (colloq) silly, bodoh: I gave my sister $200 and all she bought was this ~ blouse, saya memberi adik saya $200 dan dia hanya membelikan saya blaus bodoh ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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