do | ~ as, digunakan sbg, dibuat, dijadikan: this bundle of clothes will ~ as a pillow, bungkusan kain ini boleh digunakan sbg bantal; ~ it, achieve success, berjaya: she has ~ne it at last, akhirnya dia berjaya; easier said than ~ne, lebih senang bercakap drpd membuat; /it, that / /will never, won’t /~, ini tdk boleh dibiarkan; how ~ you ~?, apa khabar?; nothing ~ing, (sl) tak boleh; please ~, silakan; that ~es it, (colloq) ini tak boleh jadi; that’s ~ne it, habislah; that will ~, sudahlah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
duty | n 1. obligation, what one has to do, kewajipan: to do o’s ~ as a responsible citizen, menjalankan kewajipan sbg warganegara yg bertanggungjawab; a sense of ~, rasa tanggungjawab; 2. task, work, tugas: what are his duties?, apakah tugas-tugasnya?; to do o’s ~ come what may, menjalankan tugas walau apa pun yg berlaku; do ~ for, boleh /dijadikan, digunakan/ sbg: this box will do ~ for a chair, kotak ini boleh digunakan sbg kerusi; (go) on ~, bertugas; (go) off ~, habis bertugas; report for ~, melaporkan diri utk bertugas; 3. tax charged by government, duti: customs duties, duti kastam; death duties, duti kematian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | vi 1. not give way, bertahan: fortunately, the anchor held, mujurlah sauh itu dapat bertahan; will the rope ~ in the storm?, bolehkah tali itu bertahan semasa ribut?; 2. continue, berterusan: let’s hope the good weather ~s, diharapkan cuaca baik ini berterusan; 3. continue to be fine, terus baik: if my luck ~s I will win this game as well, kalau nasib saya terus baik saya akan menang juga dlm perlawanan ini; 4. also ~ good, a. (of an offer, invitation, etc) tdk berubah; b. (of law, rule, etc) dikenakan: the same requirement ~s for citizens as well as non-citizens, syarat yg sama dikenakan kpd warganegara dan bukan warganegara; c. (of philosophy, belief, etc) boleh digunakan; d. (of hypothesis, argument, etc) kukuh, boleh dipertahankan; 5. (imper) wait, tunggu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
engaged | adj 1. betrothed, bertunang: ~ couples,z pasangan-pasangan yg telah bertunang; 2. busy, sibuk: “Can you come on Friday night?” “No, I’m otherwise~”, “Boleh saudara datang pd malam Sabtu?” “Tidak boleh, saya sibuk”; 3. ( of telephone line ) in use, digunakan: the line is ~, talian itu sedang digunakan; 4. (of public toilet ) sedang digunakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
help | vi give assistance, menolong, membantu: is there any way I can ~?, ada apa-apa yg boleh saya tolong?; this booklet will ~ to explain the methods used, buku kecil ini akan membantu memperjelas kaedah-kaedah yg digunakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
function | vi 1. serve, act, berfungsi: participles often ~ as nouns, partisipel selalu berfungsi sbg kata nama; the walking stick ~s as a prop, tongkat boleh berfungsi sbg penopang; they ~ed as observers rather than participants, mereka berfungsi sbg pemerhati dan tdk sbg peserta; 2. operate, work, (of organization) berfungsi; (of machine, vehicle, etc) berjalan; (of telephone etc) hidup, /boleh, dapat/ digunakan: the car ~s best on high grade petrol, kereta itu berjalan baik sekali dgn menggunakan petrol gred tinggi; the telephone doesn’t ~, telefon itu tdk hidup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
handy | adj 1. skilful, cekap, mahir: to be ~ with an axe, cekap menggunakan kapak; ~ with a needle (and thread), pandai menjahit; have a ~ way with st, /cekap, mahir/ mengendalikan sst: the new farmhand has a ~ way with horses, pekerja ladang yg baru itu cekap mengendalikan kuda; ~ around the house, boleh membuat kerja-kerja rencam; 2. useful, convenient, (sst yg) berguna: the food blender is a very ~ thing to have in the house, pengadun makanan ialah sst yg sangat berguna di rumah; 3. easy to handle, manoeuvre, mudah digunakan; (of a car) mudah dibawa: a ~ tool, alat yg mudah digunakan; 4. (colloq) within easy reach, dekat: the school is quite ~, sekolah itu agak dekat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freely | adv 1. in great amounts, banyak: the wound was bleeding ~, luka itu berdarah dgn banyak; 2. frequently, kerap, sering: the word “Thatcherism” was ~ used in the discussion, kata “Thatcherisme” sering digunakan dlm perbincangan itu; 3. without restriction or control, (dgn) bebas: goods now move ~ between Britain and the mainland of Europe, barangan sekarang keluar masuk dgn bebas antara Britain dan tanah besar Eropah; we can’t talk ~ in this office, kita tdk boleh bercakap dgn bebas di pejabat ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
erase | vt 1. rub out, memadamkan: she ~d the typing errors, dia memadamkan kesilapan taipan itu; 2. remove completely, meluputkan, menghilangkan: he could not ~ the painful memory of his childhood, dia tdk dapat meluputkan ingatan masa kecilnya yg menyeksa itu; 3. remove recording from magnetic tape or information from a computer, memadamkan: the recording can be ~d and the tape used again, rakaman itu boleh dipadamkan dan pita digunakan semula. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
double | ~ as, a. play another part (in drama, film, etc) mengambil peranan sbg [n] juga: in this movie he played the part of Superman and ~d as the father at the same time, dlm filem ini dia melakonkan watak Superman dan pd masa yg sama mengambil peranan sbg ayahnya juga; b. have a secondary function as, /digunakan, dijadikan/ juga sbg; (of person) juga menjadi: the sofa can ~ as a bed, sofa itu boleh dijadikan juga sbg katil; sometimes the driver had to ~ as his gardener, kadang kala pemandu itu terpaksa juga menjadi tukang kebunnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |