double | ~ up (with), a. bend , be convulsed, terbongkok(-bongkok); (with laughter) ketawa terbongkok-bongkok: to ~ up with pain, terbongkok-bongkok kesakitan; she ~d up when her husband walked in wearing his bunny costume, dia ketawa terbongkok-bongkok apabila suaminya masuk dgn memakai kostum arnab; b. share i. (room) berkongsi bilik; ii. (bed) berkongsi katil; ~ so. up (with), (act.) membuat sso terbongkok(-bongkok); (pass.) terbongkok-bongkok: the blow ~d him up, pukulan itu menyebabkan dia terbongkok-bongkok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fold1 | ~ up, a. collapse with laughter, mirth, terbongkok-bongkok ketawa; b. collapse with pain, terbongkok-bongkok kesakitan; c. see vi (sense 2.); ~ st up, see vt (senses 1 & 2.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
double | bend ~, a. (over st), (act.) membongkok; (pass.) terbongkok; b. (with pain, laughter), (act. & pass.) terbongkok-bongkok; c. (with age) bongkok /betul, tiga/; see ~, nampak /sso, sst/ dua: the glare made me see ~, cahaya silau itu menyebabkan saya nampak benda-benda dua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
humpbacked | adj 1. (of person) bongkok; 2. (of animal) berponok, berbonggol, berkelasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
humpback | n 1. (person) si bongkok; 2. also humpback whale, paus kelasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bow1 | bowed adj; ~ with age, bongkok krn tua; with ~ head, dgn kepala tertunduk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bend | vi 1.curve over from an erect position, a.(of person) membongkok, membongkokkan badan; (due to heavy burden) terbongkok-bongkok, membongkok: she bent to pick up the paper, dia membongkok utk mengambil kertas; an old man ~ing under a heavy load, lelaki tua yg terbongkok-bongkok membawa barang yg berat or lelaki tua yg membongkok krn membawa barang yg berat; b. (of tree) melentur, melengkung; c. (of flexible things) melentur, melengkung: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bent | adj 1. curved, lentur, lengkung: the bow is not ~ enough, busur itu tdk cukup lentur; 2. crooked, bengkok: the barrel of this rifle is ~, laras senapang ini bengkok; 3. (of person, person’s body) bongkok: an old man ~ with age, orang tua yg bongkok; 4. (of head), (ter)tunduk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
age | 3. time of life person is qualified for st, umur: voting ~, umur layak mengundi; retirement ~, umur bersara; 4. stage of life, peringkat umur: middle ~, peringkat separuh umur; 5. later part of life, tua, berumur: to be bent with ~, bongkok krn tua; 6. period in history, geologic time, zaman: the Dark A~s, Zaman Kelam; the Bronze A~, Zaman Perunggu; the Ice A~, Zaman Ais; 7. generation, zaman: traditions handed down through the ~s, tradisi yg diturun-temurunkan dr zaman ke zaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |