giant | n 1. mythical, manlike or monstrous being, gergasi, raksasa, bota; 2. person, a. (of extraordinary size), (orang yg) /berbadan raksasa, spt gergasi, spt raksasa/: a ~ of a young man showed them to their seats, seorang anak muda yg berbadan raksasa mengiringi mereka ke tempat duduk; b. (of extraordinary ability, powers, etc) gergasi: he is a ~ among playwrights, dia gergasi antara penulis-penulis lakon; 3. st of extraordinary size, power, etc, raksasa, gergasi: it was a confrontation of two military ~s, satu konfrontasi antara dua tentera raksasa; an industrial ~, industri raksasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |