briefcase | n beg bimbit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forage | ~ about in st, menyelongkar sst: he ~d about in his briefcase, but could not find his passport, dia menyelongkar beg bimbitnya, tetapi tdk dapat mencari pasportnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swipe | 2. (colloq) pinch, menyapu, mengebas: when he returned, he found that someone had ~d his briefcase, apabila dia pulang, didapatinya ada orang telah mengebas beg bimbitnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wad | 2. quantity of documents, banknotes, etc, cekak; (tied) ikatan; (folded) gulungan: the briefcase was filled with ~s of banknotes, beg bimbit itu penuh dgn ikatan wang kertas | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ to, a. become conscious again, sedar (semula): when he came to, he found that so. had taken his briefcase, apabila dia sedar dia mendapati bahawa beg bimbitnya telah diambil orang; b. see vi (sense 1. a. & b.); c. happen, terjadi: if any harm should ~ to them..., jika apa-apa yg buruk terjadi pd mereka...; d. amount to, berjumlah: the bill ~s to $200, bil itu berjumlah $200; ~ to pass, terjadi, berlaku; if it ~s to that (colloq) for that matter, kalau difikir-fikirkan; what is the world coming to?, apa yg akan terjadi pd dunia ini?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mass | n 1. large number, lots, [various translations]: the manager stuffed a ~ of papers into his briefcase before he left the office, pengurus itu merosokan setimbun kertas ke dlm begnya sebelum meninggalkan pejabat itu; w | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
take | 2. a. bring to another person or place, membawa: she took the tray to the kitchen, dia membawa dulang itu ke dapur; don’t forget to ~ your briefcase to work, jangan lupa membawa beg bimbit kamu ke pejabat; I love taking the | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
paper | 4. written, printed document, dokumen: all the ~s are in the safe, semua dokumen itu tersimpan di dlm peti besi; 5. (usu in pl) documents of identity, dokumen (-dokumen) pengenalan: the ship’s ~s, dokumen pengenalan kapal itu; fortunately he had his ~s in his briefcase, nasib baik, dia ada dokumen-dokumen pengenalannya dlm beg bimbitnya; 6. (in pl) collected diaries, letters, etc, catatan peribadi: extracts from the President’s private ~s have been published, sedutan catatan peribadi Presiden itu telah diterbitkan; 7. examination paper, kertas: the English ~ was easy, kertas bahasa Inggeris mudah; 8. long academic essay, kertas kerja: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jam1 | ~ so. /in, into/ st, memasukkan sso ke dlm sst: it is not possible to ~ 30,000 spectators into the small stadium, tdk mungkin kita dapat memasukkan 30,000 penonton ke dlm stadium yg kecil itu; ~ st /in, into st/, menyumbatkan sst ke dlm sst: he hurriedly ~ed the papers into his briefcase, dia cepat-cepat menyumbatkan kertas-kertas tersebut ke dlm beg bimbitnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extract | vt 1. pull out by force, mencabut: he had his tooth ~ed, giginya telah dicabut; she found it difficult to ~ the cork, dia mendapati sukar utk mencabut gabus itu; 2. (liter.) take out carefully, mengeluarkan: he ~ed the document from his briefcase, dia mengeluarkan dokumen itu dr beg bimbitnya; 3. obtain by crushing, pressing, distilling, etc, mengekstrak: to ~ juice from pineapples, mengekstrak jus drpd nanas; to ~ coal, mengekstrak batu arang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |