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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata bumi 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

earthn 1. (planet) bumi: the ~ revolves round the sun, bumi beredar mengelilingi matahari; 2. material world, dunia, muka bumi: our life on this ~ is brief, hidup kita di dunia ini singkat sahaja; 3. ground, bumi: the plane nosedived and crashed to the ~, kapal terbang itu menjunam lalu terhempas ke bumi; 4. soil, tanah: to fill a pot with ~, mengisi pasu dgn tanah; 5. animal hole, lubang (tempat tinggal binatang); 6. (electr) litar bumi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ground 1 n 1. land surface, tanah, bumi: the bomb hit the ~ and exploded, bom itu jatuh ke tanah lalu meletup; he was hanging from a tree branch and his feet didn’t touch the ~, dia tergantung di dahan pokok dan kakinya tdk mencecah bumi; ~ - to - air missile, luncuran bumi ke udara; above ~, permukaan /tanah, bumi/; below (the) ~, bawah tanah; 2. soil, earth, tanah: the ~ was too hard for him to dig, tanah itu terlalu keras utk digalinya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
earth-boundadj 1. confined to the earth, kegiatan [n] tdk lagi terbatas di darat: armed forces are no longer ~, kegiatan tentera tdk lagi terbatas di darat; 2. heading towards earth, menuju ke bumi: the spaceship is ~, kapal angkasa itu menuju ke bumi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gapevi 1. stare open-mouthed, ternganga, terlopong: the children ~d as they watched the fire-eater, kanak-kanak ternganga melihat pemakan api itu; 2. be open wide, stand open, a. (of curtain) terselak, tersingkap; b. (of garment, seam) terbuka, ternganga: the coat ~s between every button, kot itu terbuka di antara tiap-tiap butang; c. (of wound) ternganga: the wound was gaping, luka itu ternganga; d. (of chasm etc) merekah: holes ~d in the earth during the earthquake, lubang-lubang merekah di bumi semasa gempa bumi itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ground leveln 1. floor at the same level as the ground, aras bumi; 2. people of the lowest status or importance in an organization, peringkat bawah: ~ employees, pekerja peringkat bawah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inestimableadj 1. not able to be estimated, computed, tdk dapat dianggarkan: the earthquake caused ~ damage, gempa bumi itu mengakibatkan kerosakan yg tdk dapat dianggarkan; 2. too precious to be estimated, tdk ternilai: research of ~ value to science, kajian yg tdk ternilai kpd bidang sains.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ground 1 debate, etc, perkara, pokok perbicaraan: the lecturer just went over the same ~ without adding anything new, pensyarah itu mengulang perkara yg sama tanpa menambah sst yg baru; be on familiar ~, sst tdk asing: I was relieved when they started talking about local politics – here I was on familiar ~, saya berasa lega apabila mereka mula bercakap ttg politik tempatan – perkara ini tdk asing bagi saya; 8. (often in pl) reason, justification, sebab, alasan: he resigned on the ~s of ill-health, dia berhenti kerja atas sebab-sebab kesihatan; ~s of appeal, alasan rayuan; 9. (in pl) sediment, dregs, keladak, serdak: coffee ~s, keladak kopi; 10. background, a. (in painting) latar; b. (on cloth) tanah: a zig-zag design on a white ~, reka bentuk zig-zag pd tanah berwarna putih; 11. (electr) bumi: ~ adaptor, penyesuai bumi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
collapsevi 1. fall down or in, runtuh, roboh: the buildings ~d during the earthquake, bangunan-bangunan itu runtuh semasa gempa bumi; 2. fall or fail suddenly, a. (of price, market, business enterprise, etc) jatuh: the price of wool ~d during the, Depression, harga bulu biri-biri jatuh semasa Zaman Kemelesetan; b. (of project, plan, peace talk, etc) gagal: the project ~d because of financial difficulties, projek itu gagal oleh sebab kesulitan kewangan; c. (of argument, story, opposition, etc) terhapus: with the presentation of new evidence, the arguments he had put forward ~d; dgn bukti-bukti yg dikemukakan itu, hujah-hujah yg diutarakannya terhapus; d. (of marriage) runtuh, musnah, hancur; e. (of hopes) hancur, musnah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
creationn 1. act of, a. (bringing into existence) penciptaan: the ~ of heaven and earth, penciptaan langit dan bumi; the ~ of a great picture, penciptaan sebuah lukisan yg unggul; b. (setting up, bringing forth) pewujudan, mewujudkan; (department, organization, etc) penubuhan, pewujudan: they decided on the ~ of three new posts, mereka memutuskan utk mewujudkan tiga jawatan baru; c. (causing, bringing about) menimbulkan; d. (investing with rank) pelantikan; 2. result of creative process, ciptaan: the latest ~s from Tokyo, ciptaan terbaru dr Tokyo;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
boweln 1. intestine, usus; 2. (usu in pl) innards, entrails, isi perut; the ~s of the earth, perut bumi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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