indecent | <i>adji> 1. <i>obscene,i> cabul, lucah; (<i>of dressi>) tdk /senonoh, sopan/: <i>~ jokes,i> jenaka yg cabul; <i>~ behaviour,i> kelakuan yg cabul; <i>her dress is positively ~,i> pakaiannya sungguh tdk senonoh; 2. (<i>colloqi>) <i>improper,i> tdk patut: <i>we were paid ~ wages,i> kami dibayar upah yg tdk patut; leave (<i>wedding etci>) in ~ haste, meninggalkan (majlis perkahwinan dsb) terlalu awal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
filth | <i>ni> 1. <i>loathsome dirt,i> kotoran: <i>the canal was full of ~,i> terusan itu penuh dgn kotoran; 2. <i>offensive or obscene words, picture, film, etc,i> /kata-kata, gambar, filem/ cabul: <i>he shouted ~ as they passed,i> dia menjeritkan kata-kata cabul semasa mereka lalu; <i>he writes nothing but ~,i> dia menulis cerita cabul belaka; <i>does your wife know you watch such ~?,i> adakah isteri kamu tahu kamu menonton filem cabul spt itu?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indecency | <i>ni> 1. <i>state, quality of being indecent,i> kecabulan, kelucahan, cabul, lucah; (<i>of dressi>) ketidaksopanan, tdk /sopan, senonoh/: <i>the ~ of the remark embarrassed her,i> kecabulan kata-katanya membuat gadis itu berasa malu; <i>it was an act of gross ~,i> itu perbuatan yg sangat cabul; 2. <i>indecent word, action, gesture, etc,i> /kata-kata, perbuatan, gerak isyarat, dsb/ yg /cabul, lucah/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
filthy | <i>adji> 1. <i>very dirty,i> /sangat, amat/ kotor: <i>~ clothes,i> pakaian yg sangat kotor; 2. <i>obscene, disgusting,i> cabul: <i>~ jokes,i> jenaka yg cabul; 3. <i>extremely unpleasant,i> dahsyat: <i>~ weather,i> cuaca yg dahsyat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foul | <i>adji> 1. <i>filthy,i> kotor: <i>a bundle of ~ rags,i> seikat kain buruk yg kotor; <i>the store was ~,i> bilik stor itu kotor; 2. <i>stinking,i> (berbau) busuk: <i>a ~ -smelling drain,i> longkang yg berbau busuk; <i>his breath was ~,i> nafasnya busuk; 3. (<i>in tastei>) dahsyat (rasanya): <i>this medicine tastes ~,i> ubat ini rasanya dahsyat; 4. <i>wicked, evil,i> kejam: <i>a ~ crime,i> jenayah kejam; <i>a ~ murder,i> pembunuhan kejam; 5. <i>obscene,i> cabul: <i>his language was ~,i> bahasanya cabul; <i>she has a ~ mind,i> fikirannya cabul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impure | <i>adji> 1. <i>dirty, contaminated,i> otor: <i>the water is ~,i> air itu otor; 2. <i>mixed with some other substance, adulterated,i> tdk tulen: <i>~ chemicals,i> bahan kimia tdk tulen; <i>~ drugs,i> dadah tdk tulen; 3. <i>obscene, unchaste,i> otor; (<i>of language usedi>) otor, cabul; (<i>of motivei>) jahat: <i>~ thoughts,i> fikiran otor. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |