insert | vt a. (st in or into st) memasukkan: he ~ed the key in the lock, dia memasukkan kunci pd lubang kunci; they decided to ~ a new clause into the agreement, mereka memutuskan utk memasukkan fasal baru ke dlm perjanjian itu; to ~ an advertisement in a magazine, memasukkan iklan ke dlm majalah; b. (st between st) menyelitkan, menyisipkan; (punctuation mark) memasukkan: ~ the missing letter, selitkan huruf yg tertinggal; she ~ed a hot water bottle between the sheets, dia menyelipkan botol air panas di antara cadar-cadar itu; ~ a comma between the two words, masukkan tanda koma di antara kedua-dua perkataan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
armful | n serangkum: an ~ of clean sheets, serangkum kain cadar bersih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buy | n belian; /good, bad/ ~, belian yg /baik, merugikan/: Cannon bed sheets were among the best ~s, cadar Cannon adalah antara belian yg paling baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
launder | vt 1. wash, iron (clothes etc) mendobi: all the sheets and towels had to be ~ed, semua cadar dan tuala ini hendaklah didobi; 2. (colloq) transfer (illegal money) melaburkan (wang haram): an unscrupulous businessman who has ~ed vast sums of money abroad, ahli perniagaan yg jahat yg melaburkan wang haram yg besar jumlahnya di luar negeri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fold1 | vt 1. sometimes ~ up, bend double, melipat: she ~ed the sheets, dia melipat cadar; ~ the paper in two, lipat dua kertas itu; 2. sometimes ~ back, ~ up, ~ away, cause to close up or bend, melipat: please ~ the table up and store it in the cupboard, tolong lipat meja itu dan simpan dlm almari; in the caravan the tables can be easily ~ed away, dlm karavan itu, meja-mejanya dapat dilipat dgn mudah; 3. bring (o’s hands together and cross) menaupkan: she ~ed her hands in her lap, dia menaupkan tangannya di pangkuan; ~ o’s arms, berpeluk tubuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boil2 | vt 1. cause to boil, mendidihkan; (for drinking) memasak: ~ two cups of water, didihkanlah dua cawan air; drinking water must be ~ed, air minum mesti dimasak; 2. cook or sterilize in boiling liquid, merebus: I ~ed the meat for 3 hours, saya merebus daging itu selama 3 jam; this bed-linen must be ~ed, cadar ini mesti direbus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fresh | is there any ~ news from the border?, ada berita baru dr sempadan?; the trees are putting out ~ shoots, pokok-pokok itu mengeluarkan pucuk baru; don’t sit on the bench; the paint is still ~, jangan duduk atas bangku itu; catnya masih basah; ~ from st, baru + approp v sst: the biscuits are ~ from the oven, biskut itu baru keluar dr ketuhar; a boy ~ from college, budak lelaki yg baru tamat universiti; 3. not worn by use, clean and bright, bersih: she put ~ sheets on the bed, dia membentangkan cadar bersih di atas katil itu; he put on a ~ shirt before going out, dia memakai kemeja bersih sebelum keluar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |