addiction | n ketagihan: ~ to opium, ketagihan candu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crucify | crude adj 1. in the raw state, mentah; (of salt) kasar: ~ opium, candu mentah; ~ rubber, getah mentah; 2. roughly made, a. (of furniture, bomb, etc) kasar buatannya: a ~, lopsided table, meja yg kasar buatannya dan tinggi sebelah; b. (of drawing, draft, etc) kasar: ~ sketches, lakaran kasar; ~ estimate, anggaran kasar; 3. simple and rough, kasar: his ~ manners, caranya yg kasar; ~ method of punishment, cara menghukum yg kasar; 4. vulgar, tdk sopan: ~ jokes, gurauan yg tdk sopan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dragon | n 1. (mythical monster) naga; 2. (colloq) fierce person (esp woman) singa betina; the (old) ~, Iblis; chase the ~, (colloq) menghisap /candu, heroin/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fiend | n 1. devil, iblis, syaitan; 2. (liter. or old-fashioned) very cruel or wicked person, setan: which ~ committed this crime?, setan manakah yg melakukan jenayah ini?; 3. (colloq), (fanatic) gila; (addict) kaki: a golf ~, gila golf; a computer ~, gila komputer; an opium ~, kaki candu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
habit | 6. customary dress, a. (worn by monk, nun) jubah: a monk’s ~, jubah rahib; b. also riding-habit (worn by women for horse riding) pakaian menunggang kuda; 7. addiction, a. (practice) tabiat: the smoking ~ should be discouraged among young people, tabiat merokok tdk harus digalakkan di kalangan remaja; b. (state) ketagihan: the opium ~, ketagihan candu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |