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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata cap I 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

hallmarki>ni> 1. cap kempa: <i>one can tell that the ring is real gold from the ~,i> seseorang dapat mengetahui bahawa cincin emas itu tulen drpd cap kempanya; 2. (<i>fig.i>) ciri: <i>slapstick is the ~ of his plays, slapsticki> merupakan ciri dramanya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cap<i>vti> 1. <i>put a lid on,i> menutup: <i>to ~ a bottle tightly,i> menutup botol ketat-ketat; 2. <i>form a cap over,i> melitupi: <i>the snow ~ped the mountain top,i> salji melitupi puncak gunung itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
guilt<i>ni> 1. <i>culpabilityi>, kebersalahan, bersalah: <i>the fingerprints proved his ~i>, cap jari itu membuktikan kebersalahannya <i>ori> cap jari itu membuktikan bahawa dia bersalah; /admit, confess/ o’s ~, mengaku (ber)salah; 2. <i>blame, responsibility for st wrongi>, kesalahan: <i>when a young boy turns to drugs, the ~ does not lie entirely with his parentsi>, apabila seseorang budak mengambil dadah kesalahan itu tdk terletak pd ibu bapa semata-mata; 3. <i>feeling of having done st wrongi>, rasa bersalah: <i>he had to live with his ~i>, dia terpaksa hidup dgn menanggung rasa bersalah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cap<i>ni> 1. <i>headgear,i> kep: <i>school ~,i> kep sekolah; ~ and gown, kep dan jubah; 2. <i>lid,i> tutup: <i>bottle ~ ,i> tutup botol; <i>lens ~,i> tutup kanta; 3. <i>mushroom top,i> payung; 4. (<i>geogi>) litupan: <i>ice ~,i> litupan ais;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bottle<i>ni> 1. <i>narrow -necked vessel,i> botol: <i>~ cap,i> tudung botol; <i>~ -opener,i> pembuka botol; 2. <i>contents of a bottle,i> botol: <i>he drank a whole ~ of wine,i> dia meminum sebotol penuh wain; 3. <i>milk in bottle as opposed to mother’s milk,i> susu botol; 4. <i>feeding-bottle,i> botol susu; 5. <i>liquor,i> arak; be fond of the ~, suka minum arak; on the ~, ketagih arak; over a ~, sambil minum arak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
deerstalker<i>n i> 1. (<i>person i> ) pemburu rusa; 2. (<i>cap i> ) topi pemburu (rusa).Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dated-stamp<i>n i> 1. (<i>rubber stampi>) pengecap tarikh; 2. (<i>impressioni>) cap tarikh.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
imprint<i>vti> 1. <i>mark by means of pressure,i> menekan: <i>he ~ed the wax with his seal,i> dia menekan lilin dgn tera; 2. <i>press to leave mark,i> menekankan; (<i>in the form of design, patterni>) menera; (<i>in the form of tyre mark, footprint, etci>), (<i>act.i>) meninggalkan kesan; (<i>pass.i>) tertera: <i>he ~ed his seal on the soft wax,i> dia menekankan teranya pd lilin yg cair itu; <i>the document was ~ed with the Royal seal,i> dokumen itu ditera dgn cap mohor Diraja; <i>the car ~ed its tyre mark on the sand,i> kereta itu meninggalkan kesan tayarnya pd pasir; <i>a line of footmarks ~ed in the snow,i> deretan bekas tapak aki yg tertera pd salji; 3. <i>stamp,i> (<i>act.i>) menera; (<i>pass.i>) tertera: <i>the postmark is ~ed across the top of the letter,i> cap pos tertera pd bahagian atas surat itu; 4. <i>fix deeplyi> (<i>on mind, memory, etci>) tertera: <i>his words remained ~ed on my mind,i> kata-katanya tertera dlm ingatan saya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
headgear<i>ni> 1. <i>covering for the head,i> (<i>in the form of a hati>) topi; (<i>in the form of a capi>) kep; (<i>in the form of a bonneti>) bonet; 2. <i>protective device for the head,i> a. (<i>soldier’s helmeti>) topi /baja, besi/, ketopong besi; b. (<i>workman’s helmeti>) topi keselamatan; 3. <i>seei> HEAD-DRESS.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flat1<i>adji> 1. <i>level and horizontali>, datar: <i>the floor is not ~i>, lantai itu tdk datar; <i>the house has a ~ roofi>, rumah itu berbumbung datar; 2. <i>even, rata: every morning the butler smoothed the newspaper ~ with a warm ironi>, setiap pagi butler itu menyeterika rata surat khabar dgn seterika yg suam; 3. <i>having little depth, thicknessi>, leper: <i>a ~ platei>, pinggan leper; <i>~ cakesi>, kek leper; <i>a ~ capi>, topi leper; <i>~ shoesi>, kasut leper; 4. <i>with broad, level surfacei>, a. (<i>of facei>) leper, pipih; b. (<i>of nosei>) pesek, penyek, pipih; 5. (<i>of tyrei>) <i>deflatedi>, kempis; 6. <i>definitei>, bulat-bulat, mentah-mentah: <i>he gave a ~ refusal to their requesti>, dia menolak bulat-bulat permintaan mereka;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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