gallery | n 1. covered passageway, serambi, gajah menyusu; 2. raised platform extended from interior walls of room etc, galeri: you may sit in the public ~, kamu boleh duduk di galeri utk orang awam; 3. (theat) a. uppermost tier where cheapest seats are placed, galeri; b. audience sitting here, penonton di galeri: a standing ovation from the ~, penonton di galeri berdiri utk bertepuk; play to the ~, mencuba mengambil hati para penonton; 4. long, narrow room, broad corridor, galeri: a shooting ~, galeri menembak; paintings are hung in the ~, catan-catan tergantung di galeri; 5. room, building used for exhibiting works of art, balai: art ~, balai seni lukis; 6. underground passage in a mine, kolong. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finger painting | n catan jari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
daub | n 1. crude painting, /lukisan, catan/ kasar; 2. wall coating, bahan /turap, lepa, tepek/: a wall of timber and ~, dinding yg dibuat drpd kayu dan bahan turap; 3. dab, smear, /palit, calit/: a few quick ~s and the garden bench will look as good as new, dgn beberapa palit cat sahaja bangku di taman itu akan kelihatan spt baru; to put ~s of plaster on the wall, membubuh beberapa palit lepa pd dinding; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entitle | vt 1. give title to, memberikan [sst] /tajuk, judul/: the painting was ~d “Mona Lisa”, catan itu diberikan tajuk “Mona Lisa”; 2. give a rightful claim to, (act.) menyebabkan [sso] berhak; (pass.) berhak: this coupon ~s you to a free gift, kupon ini menyebabkan kamu berhak mendapat hadiah percuma; am I not ~d to my own opinion?, tidakkah saya berhak mempunyai pendapat sendiri?; only the senior executives are ~d to travel first-class, hanya eksekutif-eksekutif kanan sahaja berhak utk membuat perjalanan dlm kelas satu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extrinsic | adj (fml) ekstrinsik: the ~ value of the painting is far greater than would be expected, nilai ekstrinsik catan itu lebih tinggi drpd yg dijangka; ~ to, di luar: facts that are ~ to the case, fakta-fakta yg di luar kes itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brushwork | n 1. characteristic technique of painting, kerja berusan; 2. work done with a brush, catan berusan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grotesque | adj 1. strange, bizarre, ganjil, aneh: they laughed at their ~ images in the mirror, mereka ketawa melihat bayang-bayang mereka yg ganjil dlm cermin itu; 2. hideous, sangat hodoh: the creature was ~, makhluk itu sangat hodoh; 3. exaggerated, melampau, keterlaluan: he’d better take back his ~ insinuations about me, baik dia tarik balik sindirannya yg melampau thdp saya; 4. (art) grotes: ~ painting, catan grotes; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |