Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ca.wan] | چاون

Definisi : bekas (bulat kecil, biasanya bertangkai) utk minum kopi dll, cangkir: ~ kopi; ~ pinggan perkakas-perkakas tembikar; bercawan-cawan beberapa banyak cawan: sudah ~ air saya minum, tetapi masih terasa dahaga. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ca.wan] | چاون

Definisi : mangkuk kecil bertangkai yg dibuat drpd tembikar dll utk bekas minum; cangkir. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata cawan


Beli gelas beli cawan,
     Untuk pagi Hari Raya;
Tidakkah belas hati tuan,
     Melihat nasib hidup saya.

Lihat selanjutnya...(16)

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

cupn 1. (vessel for drinking) cawan, cangkir: ~s and saucers, cawan dan piring; 2. also cupful, cawan, cangkir: two ~s of flour, dua cawan tepung; 3. (prize, trophy) piala: the Thomas C~, Piala Thomas; 4. championship competition, esp in sport, Kejohanan Piala: F.A. C~, Kejohanan Piala F.A.; 5. (of bra) mangkuk;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
coffee-cupn cawan kopi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
adornedadj dihiasi: china teacups ~ with roses, cawan teh tembikar yg dihiasi bunga mawar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cup-caken cake baked in a cup-shaped container, kek cawan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
come~ apart, break into pieces, berkecai: the cup came apart in my hands, cawan itu berkecai dlm tangan saya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breakvi 1. shatter, pecah: the cup broke when she dropped it, cawan itu pecah apabila terjatuh dr tangannya; the windscreen broke, cermin depan kereta itu pecah; 2. also ~ up, split, berpecah: the party broke into a number of factions, parti itu berpecah menjadi beberapa puak; 3. become severed, putus: the mountaineer was killed when one of the ropes broke, pendaki gunung itu terbunuh apabila salah satu drpd tali itu putus; 4. snap, fracture, patah: the branch broke under his weight, dahan itu patah krn berat badannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brokenadj 1. shattered, pecah: a ~ windscreen, cermin depan yg pecah; a ~ cup, cawan yg pecah; a piece of ~ /glass, metal, etc/, serpihan /kaca, logam, dll/; 2. severed, putus: the detectives examined the ~ rope, mata-mata gelap memeriksa tali yg putus itu; a ~ light beam, alur cahaya yg putus; he tried to repair their broken relationship, dia mencuba memulihkan hubungan mereka yg putus; 3. snapped, fractured, patah: a badly ~ arm, tangan yg patah teruk; one of the table’s legs is ~, salah satu drpd kaki meja itu patah; the gardener cleared away the ~ branches, tukang kebun itu membuang ranting-ranting yg patah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hold 1 n 1. grasp, pegangan: the cup slipped from his ~ and smashed on to the floor, cawan itu terlepas drpd pegangannya dan terhempas ke lantai; you must not relax your ~ even for a second, jangan lepaskan pegangan kamu walau sesaat pun; /catch, grab, seize, etc/ ~ of, menyambar: he caught ~ of the rope and hung on, dia menyambar tali itu dan bergantung padanya; /keep, have, take/ ~ of, memegang: keep ~ of his hand even if he struggles, pegang tangannya walaupun dia meronta;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
boil2vt 1. cause to boil, mendidihkan; (for drinking) memasak: ~ two cups of water, didihkanlah dua cawan air; drinking water must be ~ed, air minum mesti dimasak; 2. cook or sterilize in boiling liquid, merebus: I ~ed the meat for 3 hours, saya merebus daging itu selama 3 jam; this bed-linen must be ~ed, cadar ini mesti direbus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ever did you ~ (colloq), (expressing surprise, indignation, disbelief) amboi: a cup of coffee costs seven dollars! Did you ~!, amboi, tujuh dolar utk satu cawan kopi!; for ~, always, sentiasa: she is for ~ asking for help, dia sentiasa meminta bantuan; he said he would love me for ~, dia berkata dia akan sentiasa menyayangi saya; for ~ and ~, (rhet or jocular) selama-lamanya; hardly ~, jarang-jarang sekali: we hardly ~ meet, kami jarang-jarang sekali bertemu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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