dip | n 1. temporary immersion, celupan: a ~ in the dye, celupan ke dlm bahan pewarna; 2. brief swim, berenang sekejap: a ~ in the sea, berenang sekejap dlm laut; /have, take, go for/ a ~, berenang sekejap; 3. downward slope, cerun: there is a sudden ~ in the road beyond the corner, ada cerun di jalan raya ini selepas selekoh itu; 4. (geol) condongan; 5. decrease, kejatuhan, penurunan; 6. liquid into which st is dipped, pencelup; (as a sauce) cecahan: silver ~, pencelup perak; cheese ~, cecahan keju; 7. (phys) junaman: magnetic ~, junaman magnet; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |