inch | within an ~ of, hampir(-hampir), sedikit lagi; (st that results in harm, injury, etc) nyaris(-nyaris), cemas(-cemas), hampir(-hampir): he came within an ~ of beating the champion, dia hampir-hampir dapat mengalahkan juara itu; she came within an ~ of being struck by a falling branch, dia nyaris-nyaris ditimpa dahan yg patah itu; be within an ~ of death, nyaris maut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | b. almost, be very near, hampir-hampir; (to adverse situation) hampir-hampir, nyaris-nyaris, cemas-cemas: she came close to losing her job, dia nyaris-nyaris dibuang kerja; ~ it (too, a bit, rather) strong, (colloq) keterlaluan; walau apa pun yg terjadi; as [adj] as they ~, betul-betul [adj]; have it coming, (colloq) memang patutlah begitu; how /bv (that), fasal apa; not know whether one is coming or going, benar-benar bingung; to ~, akan datang: in the years to ~, dlm tahun-tahun akan datang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
almost | c. (rel to condition, situation, action) hampir(-hampir); (rel to adverse situation) nyaris(-nyaris), hampir(-hampir), cemas-cemas: he is ~ bankrupt, dia hampir-hampir bankrap; he was ~ knocked down by a car, dia nyaris-nyaris dilanggar kereta; she ~ blurted out the secret, dia nyaris-nyaris membocorkan rahsia itu; d. what would essentially approximate, (usu with negative) boleh dikatakan: during that one hour she said ~ nothing, selama satu jam itu, dia boleh dikatakan tdk berkata sepatah pun; they ~ always fail agree, mereka boleh dikatakan tdk pernah bersetuju; an ~ watertight argument, suatu alasan yg boleh dikatakan tdk dapat disangkal lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inch | ~ by ~, sedikit demi sedikit: the army moved ~ by ~ further into enemy territory, pasukan tentera itu mara sedikit demi sedikit ke dlm awasan musuh; by ~es, only just, nyaris (-nyaris), cemas(-cemas), hampir(-hampir): the bullet missed him by ~es, peluru itu nyaris-nyaris terkena padanya; every ~, a. in all respects, benar-benar, betul-betul: she is every ~ a lady, dia benar-benar wanita yg bersopan; b. entirely, setiap inci: he nows every ~ of the road, dia tahu setiap inci jalan itu; c. the whole distance, sepanjang: they had to fight every ~ of the way, mereka terpaksa berlawan sepanjang jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first aid | n pertolongan cemas: ~ kit, alat pertolongan cemas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
escape | vt 1. a. avoid, mengelakkan diri, mengelak drpd: they left for the country to ~ the crowds, mereka pergi ke desa utk mengelakkan diri drpd orang ramai; he dived into a creek to ~ being burnt to death, dia terjun ke dlm caruk utk mengelakkan diri drpd mati terbakar; she was thankful to ~ the responsibility of looking after the children, dia bersyukur krn dapat mengelak drpd menjaga kanak-kanak itu; ~ death, terselamat drpd maut; narrowly ~, nyaris(-nyaris), cemas-cemas, hampir(-hampir): we narrowly ~d being drowned when our boat capsized, kami nyaris-nyaris mati tenggelam semasa bot kami terbalik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alarm | n 1. fear, kecemasan, (perasaan) cemas: she stepped back in ~ at the sight of the snake, dia mengundur ke belakang dgn cemas apabila ternampak ular itu; 2. apprehension, kebimbangan, kerisauan, kekhuatiran; take ~, (menjadi) /bimbang, risau, khuatir/: she took ~ when her father failed to meet her, dia menjadi bimbang apabila bapanya tdk datang menemuinya; 3. sound, signal, etc warning of danger, /amaran, tanda/ bahaya: sentries were posted at the gate to give the ~ against intruders, pengawal-pengawal ditempatkan di pintu masuk utk memberikan amaran bahaya sekiranya penceroboh masuk: to sound the ~, membunyikan amaran bahaya; 4. device that gives warning, penggera: burglar ~, penggera pencuri; fire ~,5. alarm clock, jam /loceng, gerak/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
escape | n 1. act of, a. (escaping from a place or situation), (perbuatan) /melarikan, melepaskan/ diri: the attempted ~ was foiled by the warders, percubaan utk melarikan diri itu digagalkan oleh pengawal; make /an, o’s /~, /melepaskan, melarikan/ diri: they made a daring ~ through the forest, mereka melarikan diri dgn nekad melalui hutan; b. (avoiding st dangerous or unpleasant) terselamat: he had a very lucky ~ from death, dia bernasib baik dan terselamat drpd maut; have a narrow ~, /nyaris(-nyaris), cemas-cemas, hampir(-hampir) / [nahas]: she had a narrow ~ when an army truck rammed into her car, dia nyaris-nyaris nahas semasa trak tentera menghentam keretanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anxiously | adv 1. uneasily, dgn /bimbang, risau, cemas, khuatir/: to wait ~ for news, menunggu dgn bimbang utk mendengar berita; 2. eagerly, dgn bersungguh-sungguh: she ~ tried to make everyone feel at home, dia dgn bersungguh-sungguh mencuba membuat semua orang berasa selesa tinggal di situ. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anxious | adj 1. uneasy, worried, bimbang, risau, cemas, khuatir: he was ~ about the future of the business, dia bimbang ttg masa depan perniagaan itu; 2. distressing, worrying, mencemaskan, membimbangkan, merisaukan: ~ moments, saat-saat yg mencemaskan; 3. earnestly wishing, ingin sekali, berhasrat: she was most ~ to meet his family, dia ingin sekali berjumpa dgn keluarga lelaki itu; they were ~ for the contract to be renewed, mereka ingin sekali kontrak itu diperbaharui. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |