brighten | vi 1. become bright, /(se)makin, menjadi/ cerah: during the afternoon the weather ~ed, pd waktu tengah hari cuaca menjadi cerah; 2. become more lively, cheerful, a. (of person, person’s face) menjadi berseri: her face ~ed when Ali came in, mukanya menjadi berseri apabila Ali masuk; b. (of eyes) bersinar, bercahaya; 3. become more auspicious, menjadi (se)makin cerah: his prospects are ~ing, peluangnya menjadi semakin cerah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glowing | adj 1. incandescent, berpijar, berbara: ~ embers, bara yg berpijar; 2. vividly coloured, cerah warnanya: the ~ evening sky, langit petang yg cerah warnanya; 3. bright due to good health, excitement, (of face) berseri, bercahaya; (of eyes) bersinar-sinar, bercahaya; 4. favourable, indah: he gave a ~ description of city life to his village friends, dia memberikan gambaran yg indah ttg kehidupan di bandar kpd teman-temannya di kampung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | vi 1. become transparent, not turbid, menjadi jernih: the muddy water ~ed after the rain, air yg keruh itu menjadi jernih selepas hujan; 2. become unclouded, less severe, menjadi cerah; (of fog, mist, etc) menjadi tipis; (of storm) mereda: the sky ~ed, langit menjadi cerah; 3. (of face, countenance, etc) cerah, jernih: his face ~ed when he heard the good news, air mukanya cerah apabila mendengar berita baik itu; 4. disappear, hilang: this rash will ~ in a few days, ruam ini akan hilang dlm beberapa hari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bright | 9. illustrious, glorious, gemilang: a ~ moment in the country’s history, saat gemilang dlm sejarah negara itu; 10. intelligent, clever, cerdik, pandai: a ~ boy, budak yg cerdik; 11. promising, cerah: his prospects are ~, harapannya cerah; the country has a ~ future, negara ini mempunyai masa depan yg cerah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
-complexioned | adj berkulit: light~, berkulit cerah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | ~ up, a. (of weather) menjadi cerah; b. make things tidy, berkemas: she didn’t have the time to ~ up, dia tdk sempat utk berkemas; ~ st up, a. clean up, tidy st, /mengemaskan, membersihkan/ sst: go upstairs and ~ up your room, naik ke atas dan bersihkan bilik kamu; b. remove st so as to leave place clean, membuang sst: you forgot to ~ the broken glass, kamu terlupa membuang kaca yg pecah tadi; c. solve st, menyelesaikan sst: they ~ed up the mystery of the missing files, mereka menyelesaikan misteri fail-fail yg hilang itu; d. remove doubts about st, menjelaskan sst: I have been to see him to try to ~ the matter up, saya telah pergi berjumpa dengannya utk mencuba menjelaskan perkara itu; e. settle, menyelesaikan: to ~ up a misunderstanding, menyelesaikan pertelingkahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dead-end | adj 1. (of job) tdk memberikan harapan cerah; 2. (of policy ) buntu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glorious | c. (of music, work of art) sangat indah; d. (of weather etc) sungguh baik: what a ~ day!, cuaca sungguh baik hari ini!; e. (of colour, shade, etc) terang, cerah: a ~ shade of yellow, warna kuning yg cerah; 3. (colloq) delightful, enjoyable, seronok betul: we had a ~ time at the party, kami seronok betul di majlis itu; 4. (ironic) terrible, betul: my room is in a ~ mess, bilik saya semak betul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
complexion | n 1. natural colour, appearance of skin, kulit (mukanya): a fair ~, kulit cerah; a dark ~, kulit gelap; 2. general character, wajah: the defeat suffered at the hands of the enemy changed the ~ of the war, kekalahan di tangan musuh mengubah wajah peperangan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
a, an | a. (when foll by an expression of time or an abstract n) suatu: we met on ~ fine summer’s day, kami bertemu pd suatu hari yg cerah dlm musim panas; the accident happened on ~ Sunday in January, kemalangan itu terjadi pd suatu hari Minggu dlm bulan Januari; this is ~n interesting problem, ini suatu persoalan yg menarik; ~ brilliant future, suatu masa depan yg cemerlang; b. (when foll by a person’s name) seorang yg bernama: there’s ~ Mr. Tan downstairs, ada seorang yg bernama Encik Tan di bawah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |