kettle | n cerek; a different ~ of fish, (colloq) lain (lah), cerita lain: she enjoys giving small dinner parties, but entertaining on a grand scale is a different ~ of fish, dia suka mengadakan majlis makan malam secara kecil-kecilan, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fur | vi also ~ up, berkerak: the inside of the kettle has ~red up, bahagian dlm cerek itu berkerak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defective | adj 1. (in function) a. (gen) rosak sedikit: a ~ electric kettle, cerek elektrik yg rosak sedikit; a ~ engine, enjin yg rosak sedikit; b. (of eyesight, hearing) rosak; c. (of memory) lemah; 2. (in appearance, form, structure) cacat: the ~ copies of a book, naskah-naskah buku yg rosak; the new transistor radio is ~, radio transistor yg baru itu rosak; 3. (of person) cacat: mentally ~, cacat mental; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | ~ off, [various translations]: his hat blew off, topinya melayang ditiup angin; when the water boiled the lid blew off, apabila air mendidih tudung cerek itu terpelanting; ~ st off, [various translations]: the wind blew the roof off the house, angin telah menerbangkan bumbung rumah itu; the gale blew the ship off its course, angin kencang meniup kapal itu hingga terpesong dr arah perjalanannya; she blew the dust off the covers of the book, dia menghembus debu dr kulit buku itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boil2 | vi 1. reach boiling point, menggelegak; mendidih: the water will ~ soon, air itu akan mendidih tdk lama lagi: the kettle is ~ing, air dlm cerek itu sedang mendidih: the potatoes have not ~ed yet, air rebusan ubi kentang itu belum mendidih lagi; 2. bubble up because of heat, menggelegak: pools of ~ing mud, kolam lumpur yg menggelegak; 3. seeth (of waves, sea, etc) bergelora; (of person) darah sso /mendidih, menggelegak/: the sea ~ed in the storm, laut itu bergelora semasa ribut; she was ~ing with rage after the accusation of treachary, darahnya mendidih setelah dituduh berkhianat; make so’s blood ~, menyebabkan darah sso /mendidih, menggelegak/, /mendidihkan, menggelegakkan/ darah sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distraction | n 1. act of drawing away, mengalih perhatian; 2. amusement, diversion, hiburan: there are too many ~s in the city, terlalu banyak hiburan di bandar raya; 3. interruption, gangguan: babies crying, kettles whistling, doors banging – these are some of the ~s in the home, bunyi bayi menangis, cerek bersiul, pintu berdentam – inilah antara beberapa gangguan yg terdapat di rumah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boil2 | ~ away, a. (continuously) mendidih terus: the water has been ~ing away for 10 minutes, air itu mendidih terus selama 10 minit; b. (to nothing) mendidih sampai kering: the water had all ~ed away and the kettle was burned, air mendidih sampai kering dan cerek itu hangus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dim | vt 1. cause to lose brightness, (lit. & fig.) memalapkan, menyuramkan, mengelamkan: they ~med the lights when the dancing started, mereka memalapkan lampu apabila tari-menari dimulakan; the passing years could not ~ his love, masa yg berlalu tdk dapat memalapkan cintanya; 2. outshine, (act.) menjadikan kurang terang; (pass.) menjadi kurang terang: the candlelight was ~d by the sunlight, cahaya lilin menjadi kurang terang dgn adanya cahaya matahari; 3. cause to become faint, obscure, menyamarkan, mengaburkan, menjadikan tdk jelas; 4. blur, mengaburkan, menjadikan tdk jelas: steam from the kettle ~med the mirror, wap drpd cerek mengaburkan cermin itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bottom | n 1. the lowest part, a. (gen) bahagian bawah: the ~ of the page, bahagian bawah muka surat; the ~ of the wall, bahagian bawah dinding itu; b. (of hill, mountain) kaki; c. (of container) dasar: the dregs have sunk to the ~ of the glass, keladak telah mendap ke dasar gelas; /at, from, to/ the ~, /di, dr, ke/ bawah; 2. underside, /bahagian, sebelah/ bawah: the ~ of the plank was infested with termites, bahagian bawah papan itu penuh dgn anai-anai; the ~ of the kettle was dirty, bahagian bawah cerek itu kotor; 3. ground under a body of water, dasar: the ~ of the sea, dasar laut; the river ~, dasar sungai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bubble | n 1. ball of liquid containing gas or air, gelembung, buih: soap ~s, /buih, gelembung/ sabun; blow ~s, meniup /buih, gelembung/ sabun; 2. air-filled cavity in liquid or solid, gelembung; (in carbonated drinks and certain wines) buih, busa: the glass is flawed by small ~s, kaca itu dicacati gelembung-gelembung kecil; ~s rising in champagne, buih-buih yg naik dlm champagne; 3. unrealized hope, dream, impian: his ~ has burst, impiannya telah musnah; 4. undependable scheme, rancangan yg goyah: the South Sea ~, rancangan Laut Selatan yg goyah; 5. sound of bubble, bunyi gelegak: we could hear the ~ of the kettle, kami dapat mendengar bunyi gelegak dr cerek itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |