bedtime | n waktu tidur: ~ stories, cerita-cerita waktu tidur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bawdy | adj /lucah, cabul/ serta lucu: ~ stories, cerita-cerita yg lucah serta lucu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
funny | adj 1. causing amusement, comical, lucu, melucukan, menggelikan hati: ~ stories, cerita-cerita lucu; he looked so ~, dia kelihatan begitu lucu; 2. peculiar, strange, ganjil, aneh, pelik: a ~ thing happened to me today, satu hal aneh terjadi pd saya hari ini; he has a ~ attitude towards women, dia bersikap ganjil thdp perempuan; 3. (colloq) slightly unwell, tak sedap: I felt ~ after the drink, saya rasa tak sedap selepas minum. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
allure | cvt (act.) memikat, menggoda; (pass.) terpikat, tergoda, tertawan: fables of mermaids alluring sailors to destruction, cerita-cerita dongeng yg mengisahkan bagaimana ikan duyung memikat pelaut ke arah kemusnahan; to be ~d by promises, terpikat dgn janji-janji; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bundle | (be) a ~ of nerves, resah gelisah, kelesah; go a ~ on, (sl) suka: to go a ~ on horror movies, suka cerita-cerita seram; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ghost | n 1. spirit of dead person, (regarded as benevolent) roh; (regarded as malevolent) hantu: the ~ of Hamlet’s father appeared before him, roh bapa Hamlet menjelma di hadapannya; ~ stories, cerita-cerita hantu; 2. (liter.) faint trace, bayangan: the ~ of a smile, bayangan senyuman; haven’t (got) the ~ of a chance, (colloq) tak ada can langsung: you haven’t the ~ of a chance of marrying her, kamu tak ada can langsung utk kahwin dgn dia; 3. see GHOST-WRITER; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fable | n 1. story with moral, fabel /dongeng, cerita/ /ibarat, teladan/, cerita tamsilan: the ~ of the hare and the tortoise, dongeng teladan arnab dgn kura-kura; 2. legend, (cerita) dongeng, legenda; (about mythical characters) dongeng dewata: ~s of Greek gods and heroes, dongeng ttg dewa-dewa dan pahlawan-pahlawan Yunani; 3. myths and legends collectively, fabel; 4. false story or account, dongeng, rekaan: to separate fact from ~, memisahkan fakta drpd dongeng; all that story about him is a complete ~, segala cerita mengenainya itu ialah rekaan semata-mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fairy story, fairy-tale | n 1. story about fairies, giants, etc, cerita pari-pari: Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Cerita Pari-Pari Grimm; 2. unbelievable, untrue story, cerita dongeng. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fairy-tale | adj spt dlm cerita dewa-dewi: a ~ romance, kisah percintaan spt dlm cerita dewa-dewi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | harga lebih drpd $1,000; 16. blend, harmonize, cocok, sesuai, padan: this white blouse doesn’t ~ with my skirt, blaus putih ini tdk cocok dgn skirt saya; 17. be sent for consideration, dikemukakan: this issue will ~ direct to the board, isu ini akan dikemukakan langsung kpd pihak lembaga; 18. also ~ about, make a practice of, suka, selalu: don’t ~ spreading lies about us, jangan suka menyebarkan cerita-cerita palsu ttg kami; the gardener ~es about frightening children with his horror stories, tukang kebun selalu menakut-nakutkan budak-budak itu dgn cerita seramnya; 19. proceed, berjalan: the meeting went well, mesyuarat itu berjalan dgn lancar; 20. be, exist in certain condition, [not translated]: to ~ hungry, berlapar; to ~ unnoticed, tdk dihiraukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |