dash | the ~ of waves against the cliff, deburan ombak memukul tebing tinggi; b. (of rain) desar, derauan: the ~ of rain on the roof, desar hujan di atas bumbung; 5. panache, style, penuh gaya: he rode with ~, dia menunggang kuda dgn penuh gaya; 6. (punctuation mark), (tanda) sengkang; 7. quick stroke of pen, brush, coretan; 8. (in Morse Code) sengkang; 9. short race, lumba lari (jarak dekat): a 100 metre ~, lumba lari jarak dekat 100 meter; 10. (US), (colloq) see DASHBOARD; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cancellation | n 1. deletion, pemotongan, pencoretan; 2. defacement etc to prevent use, pembatalan; 3. calling off, pembatalan; 4. nullifying, pembatalan: ~ order, arahan pembatalan; 5. wiping out, peluputan; 6. (math) pembatalan, pemotongan; 7. marks or perforations made by cancelling, coretan; 8. st cancelled, pembatalan: two ~s for the premier show, dua pembatalan utk tayangan perdana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |