ahead | adv 1. at, in the front, di hadapan: road-works ~, kerja-kerja membaiki jalan di hadapan; 2. in advance, dahulu: he went ~ to see whether the river was navigable, dia pergi dahulu utk memeriksa sama ada sungai itu boleh dilalui; you should plan ~, kamu harus merancang dahulu; 3. to the front, ke hadapan: to walk straight ~, berjalan terus ke hadapan; 4. (colloq) winning, leading, mendahului + approp n: he was ~ on points, dia mendahului peserta lain dr segi kiraan mata; ~ of, a. (in space) mendahului: he walked ~ of us, dia berjalan mendahului kami; b. (in time) lebih /awal, dahulu/: ~ of schedule, lebih awal dr masa yg dijadualkan; we arrived two hours ~ of them, kami tiba dua jam lebih awal drpd mereka; c. (fig.) mendahului: he was ~ of his classmates, dia mendahului kawan-kawan sedarjahnya; to be ~ of o’s time, mendahului zamannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forestall | vt 1. prevent by timely action, menghalang: the bombing of the airfields enabled them to ~ further attacks, pengeboman lapangan kapal terbang membolehkan mereka menghalang serangan selanjutnya; 2. anticipate, act first, mendahului, approp v + lebih dahulu: when I was about to take the seat, a lady ~ed me, sewaktu saya hendak duduk, seorang wanita mendahului saya; my question was all prepared, but Williams ~ed me, pertanyaan saya siap sedia seluruhnya, tetapi William mengajukan pertanyaan lebih dahulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |