boot2 | n; to ~, dan juga, serta: he was offered an excellent salary and living quarters to ~, dia ditawarkan gaji yg lumayan dan juga tempat kediaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
both | saya mencari ibu bapa kamu, di mana mereka berdua?; ~ A and B, a. (gen) A dan (juga) B, A serta (juga) B, (baik) A mahupun B, A dan B kedua-duanya, kedua-dua A dan B: there are bedrooms ~ upstairs and downstairs, ada bilik tidur di atas dan juga di bawah; he was ~ proud and happy at his son’s achievements, dia berasa bangga serta gembira atas kejayaan anak lelakinya; the group received a warm welcome, ~ in neighbouring Southeast Asian countries and in the other places which they visited, rombongan itu menerima sambutan hangat, baik di negara-negara tetangga Asia Tenggara mahupun di tempat-tempat lain yg dikunjungi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
again | 4. usu and ~, and then ~, on the other hand, tetapi: he might agree and then ~ he might not, dia mungkin bersetuju tetapi mungkin juga tdk; 5. besides, further, (dan) juga, pula: she is beautiful and ~, rich, dia cantik dan kaya pula; ~ we must bear in mind that..., dan juga kita mesti ingat bahawa...; ~ and ~, time and (time ) ~, berkali-kali, berulang-kali: I have told him ~ and ~, saya telah memberitahunya berkali-kali; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
land | n 1. solid surface of the earth, darat: they reached ~ after three weeks at sea, mereka sampai ke darat selepas tiga minggu di laut; a journey by ~, perjalanan melalui darat; an animal that lives on ~ as well as in the sea, binatang yg hidup di darat dan juga di laut; 2. expanse of country, daratan: the ~ to the north is covered with forest, daratan yg menghala ke utara dilitupi hutan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
have | vt 1. often ~ got, (lit. & fig.), (be the possessor of) ada, mempunyai; (be the owner of) memiliki; (in combination with expression of quantity), [sometimes not translated]: they ~ a maid and a driver as well, mereka mempunyai seorang pembantu rumah dan juga seorang drebar; I ~n’t got a pen on me, saya tdk ada pen; His Majesty has twenty Rolls Royces, baginda memiliki dua puluh buah kereta Rolls Royce; they ~ lots of children, anak mereka banyak; they ~ high hopes for their children’s future, mereka mempunyai harapan yg tinggi thdp masa depan anak-anak mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guide | n 1. so. who shows the way, esp so. hired to do so, pemandu: tourist ~, pemandu pelancong; we need native ~s for the expedition, kami memerlukan pemandu orang asli utk ekspedisi itu; Sherpa ~s, pemandu bangsa Sherpa; 2. adviser, pembimbing: she is both friend and ~, dia ialah kawan dan juga pembimbing; 3. st that helps one plan an action, form an opinion, etc, panduan, petunjuk: the data we’ve collected can only be used as a rough ~, data yg kami kumpul hanya dapat digunakan sbg panduan kasar; 4. guidebook, buku panduan: a ~ to Malaysia, buku panduan ke Malaysia; 5. handbook, buku panduan: a ~ to vegetable growing, buku panduan menanam sayur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
for | b. (horizontal distance), [not translated], sejauh; (when distance is specified) sejauh: the plain stretched ~ hundreds of miles, dataran itu terbentang beratus-ratus batu; the river runs ~ twenty miles before it reaches the sea, sungai itu mengalir sejauh dua puluh batu sebelum bertemu dgn laut; c. (vertical distance) setinggi, tingginya: the white cliffs rise steeply out of the sea ~ at least 100 metres, cenuram putih itu menegak sekurang-kurangnya setinggi 100 meter; 6. in support, favour of, menyokong: he was neither ~ nor against the proposal, dia tdk menyokong dan juga tdk menentang cadangan itu; three cheers ~ so., tiga sorakan untuk sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
erect | vt (fml) 1. build, construct, mendirikan, membina: this monument was ~ed to Mumtaz Mahal, tugu itu didirikan utk memperingati Mumtaz Mahal; 2. put up, set upright, mendirikan; (tent, flagstaff, etc) mendirikan, menegakkan: the police ~ed a roadblock two miles before the town, polis mendirikan sekatan jalan raya dua batu sebelum bandar itu; the shop sells collapsible furniture which can be easily ~ed and folded away, kedai itu menjual perabot boleh lipat yg dgn senang dapat didirikan dan juga disimpan; they ~ed a tent on the bank of the river, mereka mendirikan khemah di tebing sungai itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
double | ~ as, a. play another part (in drama, film, etc) mengambil peranan sbg [n] juga: in this movie he played the part of Superman and ~d as the father at the same time, dlm filem ini dia melakonkan watak Superman dan pd masa yg sama mengambil peranan sbg ayahnya juga; b. have a secondary function as, /digunakan, dijadikan/ juga sbg; (of person) juga menjadi: the sofa can ~ as a bed, sofa itu boleh dijadikan juga sbg katil; sometimes the driver had to ~ as his gardener, kadang kala pemandu itu terpaksa juga menjadi tukang kebunnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
here | ~ and now, di sini dan sekarang ini juga; ~ and there, di sana sini; ~, there and everywhere, merata-rata: her clothes were strewn about, ~ there and everywhere, pakaiannya bertaburan merata-rata; ~’s to, (ucap selamat) utk /sso, sst/: ~’s to the bride and bridegroom, ucap selamat utk pasangan pengantin; neither ~ nor there, tdk kena-mengena: he’s a rich man in his own right, the fact that his brother is the President is neither ~ nor there, dia kaya atas usahanya sendiri, bahawa abangnya itu Presiden, tdk kena-mengena dgn hal itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |