from | 9. (indic st thought of as a danger, threat, etc) daripada: he saved her ~ drowning, dia menyelamatkannya daripada mati lemas; the tent protected him ~ the wind and rain, khemah itu melindunginya daripada angin dan hujan; 10. (indic differences or contrast) daripada: the town is different ~ what it used to be, bandar itu berbeza daripada dahulunya; it was hard to tell one ~ the other, sukar hendak mengenal yang satu daripada yg lain; 11. showing giver, sender, daripada: a letter ~ the employer, surat daripada majikan; a present ~ the students, hadiah daripada penuntut-penuntut; 12. judging by, daripada, berdasarkan: ~ what we heard last night, the war is nearly over, daripada apa yg kami dengar malam tadi, perang hampir tamat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
from | 3. (indic material out of which st is made) daripada: custard is made ~ eggs and milk, kastard dibuat daripada telur dan susu; paper is made ~ wood pulp, kertas dibuat daripada kayu palpa; 4. (indic point or position from which st is seen) dari: they could see the sea ~ the top of the hill, mereka dapat melihat laut dari atas bukit itu; ~ his point of view, the action was reasonable, dari sudut pandangannya, tindakan itu adalah berpatutan; it is difficult to tell ~ the air how much damage has been done, sukar utk menentukan dari udara berapa besar kerosakan yg telah berlaku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
from | 7. (indic one of two extremes) daripada: the shoes are priced ~ $100 to $300, kasut-kasut itu berharga daripada $100 hingga $300; he approved all the opposition’s demands, ~ the holding of a referendum to economic reforms, dia meluluskan semua tuntutan pihak pembangkang, daripada mengadakan pungutan suara hingga ke perubahan ekonomi; 8. (indic reason, cause) kerana, sebab, akibat: he did it ~ revenge, dia melakukannya kerana membalas dendam; she was exhausted ~ the walk, dia keletihan kerana berjalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 21. (indic means, method, medium, material, etc used) dengan; (of st carved, cast) daripada: please write your answers ~ ink, tolong tulis jawapan anda dengan dakwat; the dress was wrapped ~ tissue, baju itu dibungkus dengan kertas nipis; he paints ~ oil, dia melukis dengan cat minyak; printed ~ red and gold, dicetak dengan warna merah dan warna emas; a statue cast ~ bronze, patung yg dibuat daripada gangsa; ~ writing, secara bertulis, dlm bentuk tulisan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 24. a. (used with “view”, “opinion”, etc) pada: the youth of today, ~ his opinion, are rapidly degenerating, pada pendapatnya, akhlak golongan belia hari ini merosot dgn pesatnya; b. (used with “experience”) daripada: ~ her experience, tourists prefer to eat in restaurants rather than at roadside stalls, daripada pengalamannya, para pelancong lebih suka makan di restoran daripada di warung; 25. take part in, mengambil bahagian dlm, menyertai, ikut serta dlm; (play, film, etc) berlakon dlm: are you ~ the next race?, kamu akan mengambil bahagian dlm perlumbaan selepas ini?; she looks very familiar – wasn’t she ~ Falcon Crest?, rasa-rasanya saya pernah lihat muka dia bukankah dia berlakon dlm Falcon Crest?; 26. (indic intention, purpose) untuk: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judging | /by, from/, berdasarkan; (of st perceived by the eyes) dilihat drpd; (of st perceived by the ears) daripada: judging from the response, we are confident that the product will be extremely saleable, berdasarkan sambutan ramai, kami yakin bahawa keluaran ini akan laris jualannya; he was not too happy with the outcome of the meeting, judging by the expression on his face, dilihat drpd air mukanya, dia tdk begitu gembira dgn keputusan mesyuarat itu; judging from the slight tremor in her voice, she isn’t as composed as she appears to be, drpd suaranya yg agak terketar-ketar, dia tdk setenang spt yg kelihatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instead | I wish you’d do your homework ~ of disturbing me, elok kamu membuat kerja rumahmu dan tidak mengganggu saya; ~ of disturbing me you had better do your homework, daripada menganggu saya, eloklah kamu membuat kerja rumahmu; give me the red one ~ of the green one, beri saya yg merah dan bukan yg hijau; he will write the report ~ of you, dia akan menulis laporan itu dan bukannya kamu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
escape | 2. a. be forgotten by, terlupa, tdk ingat: his name ~s me, saya terlupa namanya; b. be unnoticed by, terlepas drpd: from what I’ve heard nothing ~s her attention, daripada apa yg saya dengar tdk ada apa-apa yg terlepas drpd perhatiannya; 3. articulated involuntarily, terlepas: a sigh ~d her lips, keluhan terlepas dr bibirnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
from | prep 1. (indic point of departure) dari: the train for Rome leaves ~ Paris, kereta api ke Rom berlepas dari Paris; he came ~ home, dia datang dari rumah; the nest fell ~ the tree, sarang burung itu jatuh dari pokok; 2. (indic source, place of origin), dari; (if “source” is person) daripada: he comes ~ Germany, dia datang dari Jerman; he drew water ~ the well, dia mengambil air dari perigi; you cannot draw conclusions ~ such evidence, kamu tdk dapat mengambil kesimpulan drpd keterangan begitu; the suggestion came ~ Hafiz, usul itu datang daripada Hafiz; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
before | 3. in the presence of, di /hadapan, muka/: she was giving evidence ~ a committee of inquiry, dia sedang memberikan keterangan di hadapan jawatankuasa penyiasat; bring so. ~ the judge, membawa sso ke /muka, hadapan/ hakim; 4. under the consideration or jurisdiction of, dihadapkan ke mahkamah: the case ~ the court, perkara yg dihadapkan ke mahkamah; 5. in the face of, apabila berhadapan dgn: he fled ~ the enemy, dia lari apabila berhadapan dgn musuh; 6. in preference to, daripada: he chose death ~ dishonour, dia lebih rela mati daripada menanggung malu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |